Chapter 11 - Max?!?! (N.H)

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Chapter 11 - Max?!?! (N.H)

Can you believe that Cassie and I are together? I cannot believe it myself. I think that I am in LOVE with her. But I got a problem. I am also dating this girl called Demi Lovato. Who to pick?





I do not know.

I am so frustrated.

Someone help me please???

I have not told the other guys about Demi or Cassie and it is killing me inside. Something distracted me from my thoughts. It was the smell of bacon and eggs.

“It’s breakfast time,” I said to myself, running out of my room, down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I look at the display of scrambled eggs with bacon, toasted bread with butter and a glass of orange juice.

“Morning to you too Niall,” Liam said sarcastically.

“Oh, sorry. Morning Liam. Li, I need your advice on something…..”

“Spill the beans, Horan.”

This was tearing me apart. Then I broke down. I told him about my relationship with Cass and Demi. I told him that I did not know what to do.

“Whoever makes you happier is the one you should be with. The one that you are more in love with is the one you should be with.”

I thanked Liam for his support and he handed me a tray.

“Eat up Nialler,” said Liam.

I sat my butt down on the dining room chair and ate my breakfast with a lot on my mind.

x Later that Day x

“Where are we going Niall,” Cass asked me casually.

“Somewhere there is food,” I replied happily.


We walked all the way to Nandos. My favorite place ever!!! They have great food there. As we walked inside Nandos, someone called Cassie’s name. Cay pretended that she did not hear. The person showed up in front of her and Cass jumped up in shock and surprise.

“Max!” she exclaimed with sadness.

Max hurriedly embraced Cassie in a hug, right in front of me.

Author’s note

It's a cliff hanger thingy!!! What is Niall gonna do?!?!
What is gonna happen people??? I wonder. Read to find out. Oh and sorry a short chapie!!!


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