Chapter 20 - The Pranks

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Chapter 20 - The Pranks

Cassie's POV

× At Niall's Flat ×

Today I was chilling with my best friend at my boyfriend's house. Marla was getting a little annoyed at Harry's House so she came here to breathe. Like literally. We were sitting in the living room watching Season Four of Teen Wolf and there is this guy named Scott McCall played by Tyler Posey. He is sexy AF and is also an werewolf. While me and Marla constantly drooled over Scott McHottie, Niall entered the room and shook his head.

"This guy has no chance against me,right Cass?" Niall said with pride.

Marla and I quickly composed ourselves, feeling extremely embarrassed about drooling over Scott.

"Oh Niall. Even if he maybe a touch of sexiness does not mean that you are not better looking than him," I reassured my boyfriend.

"Okay Cassie but why don't you drool like that for me?"

"Well Niall I actually do but I do it in private. Plus it is embarrassing to do it in front of you babe."

I got up from the couch and walked towards Niall and kissed him with all the love I had for him. I wrapped my arms around his neck for support. His hand roamed around my boobs as he caressed it. I moaned in his mouth making him smirk. I heard Marla coughing loudly making me and Niall depart from each other.

"Ewwwwwwww!!!!! I did not come here to watch you two do PDA," Marla said as she cringed up her face.

"Well................we will just head upstairs then," I said while smiling at Niall.

"Before you go I need to tell you two something important. I'm-" Marla started to say but Niall interupted.


"What? No Niall. I am definitely not pregnant. I'm living with Harry for a while because my twin sister, Taylor James is back to kill me."

"I thought she was dead?" I said in disbelif.

"I thought so too Cay but she is alive and well to kill me."

"I hope she does not have a cutlass when she is ready to kill you," Niall chirped in.

"Not helping Niall," I said to him.

"Whoops. I meant to say I hope you are safer at Harry's."

"Much better."

"Well I better be going. See you guys later," Marla said as she stood up from the couch.

Niall and I said our goodbyes as Marla stepped outside the house. As I was about to kiss Niall, Marla's frantic screams were heard from outside. We both rushed outside to see Marla's Flaming Red Toyota destroyed. I was in shock. Some one spray painted worthless on the car. I wondered if her sister did this to her. I came to comfort a distraught Marla James. I heard giggling and both Marla and I turned to Niall.

"Niall this is no laughing matter. Marla's car, sorry, her mom's car is destroyed and you are laughing? " I said in annoyance.

"In a time like this I wouldn't Cassie but I just pranked your best friend. This isn't her car. Harry has it. This is just a used car from the junk yard. You should of seen the look on your faces," Niall said as he continued to laugh until his stomach hurt him.

"Woah woah woah??? This was a stupid prank? I am so gonna get you for this Niall! You hear? You will reget pranking me Niall Horan!!" Marla shouted with anger.

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