Chapter 9 - The Concert Part III

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Chapter 9 - The Concert Part III

Cassie's P.O.V

After answering questions from the girls and the band, and asking some of my one, I started to like Niall, Zayn and Harry more. Marla was quieter than usual which was queer to me. All of us sat in a circle, starting with Niall. Niall then Cassie then Marla then Harry then Louis then Eleanor then Liam then Danielle then Perrie and last was Zayn. It was nice and cozy here. Marles and I were kinda getting comfortable.

Every time Niall looked at me, I got Goosebumps. He was that CUTE!!! I loved his smile, his sparkling blue eyes, his blonde hair, his Irish accent....... What am I saying??? Oh, well. Back to reality.

"Okay then. Since you guys looked bored, let's play truth or dare," suggested Danielle.

"All hands for truth or dare," Eleanor said raising her voice.

Everyone raised their hands except for me.

"Then it was settled. We are going to play truth or dare!" exclaimed Perrie.

"Yay!!!" I said in my head with a lot of sarcasm.

"I will start," Niall said proudly. "True or dare......Cassie."

I HATED DARES so I went truth.

"Truth Horan," I said.

"Who is your favorite band member of One Direction and why?" he asked me.

"Ooooooh!" cooed everyone.

Well, I got glued eyes on me, so I had to tell the truth.

"My favorite band member of One Direction is Niall James Horan. Why? Because he is an amazing person," I replied blushing badly.

"Oh really. That's great Cassie," he said in a low tone, embarrassed and was blushing too.

"My turn," said Harry "Truth or dare......Marla."

"Dare," Marla gushed.

"I dare you," Harry started to sing, "to kiss me."

Marla's jaw dropped and then she blushed. One of her dreams are coming true. That is one off her 1D list.

"On your cheek, right?"

"Noooooooooooo!!! On the lips love."

"Ooooooooooooooooh!!!" cooed everyone again.

"Okay then," Marles said with a shaky tone.

She looked at me for encouragement. I gave her my encouraging smile.

Marla turned around to face Harry. The leaned close and the next thing I know, my bestie was kissing The Harry Styles.

Marla's P.O.V

Harry dared me to kiss him. I was okay with that. But on his precious light pink lips. I was freaking out here. Part of me wanted to kiss him. Part of me wanted me to slap him on his face. I looked at Cassie for support. She gave me her encouraging smile and I turned around and BOOM!!!

We were kissing. Our lips were in sync. I have never really enjoyed kissing a guy before. I wanted this to happen again. We pulled away from each other, breathless and blushing. Cay nudged me on the side and started to sing.

"Boom Clap
The sound of my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me come on to me now
Boom clap
The sound of my heart
The beat goes on and on and on and on and
Boom clap
You make me feel good
Come on to me come on to me now."

I rolled my eyes and Cass received a smirk from Styles, claps and cheers from the guys and smiles from the girls. Cass never really sang unless she was in a "good mood." She was in a good mood.

"Never knew you could sing, sweet heart," commented Niall.

"I am sorry. I don't really. It is not my forte," said Cay.

"You know that you were amazing. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I guess."

We continued with the truth or dare, which Cassie was enjoying. She smiled a lot more than at home. She looked happy. Just the way things were before.

Author's note

Well not much to say here. Please comment, vote n share!!!!


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