Chapter 2 - Whoops!!!

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Chapter 2 - Whoops!!!

"I did not even realize what Marla was wearing when I first saw her today," Cassie thought to herself.

Marles wore her colorful pink peace sign top with her dark blue Levi's jeans and to top it off, her pink and white sandals. Marla looked very good in that outfit.

Living in New York is so cool. The lights, the city, the people. Cassie loved all of that before "the tragedy." Now she cannot stand the people. It makes her feel that the WHOLE world is against her.

Starbucks was just several minutes from Miss Alexander's house. When the girls reached at Starbucks, there were a lot of customers. Something that Cassie did not like. Marla ordered a Shakened Iced Passion Tango Tea while Cassie ordered a decaffeinated coffee. The two best friends sat at the end of the store, where it was very quiet.

"So, Cay, how are you? And do not lie to me," said Marles with concern.

"Well.....I am fine for now," replied her best friend.

"That's great Cass."

"How is your boyfriend, Kevin, Marl?"

Marla's bright, beautiful smile faded instantly and was replaced with great, deep sadness.

"What happened Marla?"

Her bestie was already trembling with fear and tears ran down like a waterfall on her delicate brown skin. Cassie did the genuine thing. She walked to the seat that Marla was sitting and hugged her tightly.

With one arm snaked around Marla's waist and one hand rubbing her back gently, Cassie said in a cooing tone, "Please tell me, Marla. I can help you sweetie pie."

 "Okay, Cass. I will tell you. I broke up with Kevin because he was a LIAR and a CHEATER. Two weeks before, I was going to his house because the BASTARD said he had a cold. He was not expecting me to visit him. When I entered the living room, I heard some queer sounds. I saw Kevin "doing it" right there on the couch with two prostitutes. Now I am single just like you." 

Cassie's heart sank. She felt very bad for her best friend, having to go through this alone. All that came from her mouth was, "What a mother fucking bitch. I would of kicked him in is ass!!!"

Marla laughed out so loud, that everyone turned around to see what the joke was. All they saw Marla laughing and crying her eyes out and Cass hugging her, also giggling to herself.

"FUCK OFF BITCHES!!!" Cassie shouted. Everyone turned around and when back to their conversations. Marla smiled proudly at me.

"Marles let's go. I need to get a new Hello Kitty top."

"Okay, but for the record, I think that you have enough Hello Kitty tops. Let's go to Cookies for it."

"Okay, let's go!"

The two besties walked to the entrance of the store, arm in arm. They got out of Starbucks and Miss James said, "After you. I insist." Cassie agreed, holding her coffee in her hand and walked in front.

Marla saw a banana peel and a very young man approaching it. He looked familiar to her.

"Marla, come on," Cass pleaded.

Marla stopped in her tracks. It was him and Cassie was gonna crash into him.

"Look out Cassie!"

Too late. Cassie turned around and spilled the coffee she had onto the young man's pants. This man wore a dark blue shirt, a brown pants and black shoes. He had light blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and had loving blond hair.

"Oh, no!!!" cried Cay in embarrassment.

Author's note

Hey guys!!! Hope you are loving this book like I am. Please keep on voting for my book. Display bar shows a picture of the Niall Horan himself. Comment, Vote and Share!!!


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