Chapter 21 - Wrong Person

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Chapter 21 - Wrong Person

Marla's POV

It has been a week and everything was normal. Knowing that your sister has been alive when you thought she was dead is kinda scary. Knowing she is trying to locate and kill you is terrifying. I knew the boys were going on tour soon which meant I did not have much with Harry. So I thought that I should make him feel really special today.

"Harry?" I called out.

"Yes sweet heart?" he spoke in a low tone.

"I'm going out."

"To where exactly?"


"Oh enjoy yourself! But don't have too much fun."

"I will. Bye."

I gave him a quick kiss before leaving the house. I arrived at my best friend's house but when I reached there I heard screaming from the inside.

I knocked at the door hoping no one is hurt. Her mother opened it with a sad smile.

"Hi Marla dear. Thank you for visiting but I don't-"

She was cut off by Cassie.

"Look. It's Marla! You did not come at a bad time. Come in, come in," Cassie dragged me into her house.

"Have a seat."

I thanked her as she brought me some apple juice in a glass.

"Cassie. Marla is not going to help you get out of this mess. You have to clean your room," Miss Alexander said sternly.

"MOM!!!" Cass wined.

"Don't MOM me. You have to clean your room, wash the dishes and the clothes. Do you want me to add Clean and Wash the car?"

"No mom."

"Well go and get started. I'm leaving for about an hour or so. You should be done when I come back. Bye girls."

I said goodbye to her mother as she fell onto the couch.

"Wanna help me?" She asked.

"Sure. I will wash the dishes while you clean your bedroom. Then we wash the clothes and maybe play Just Dance 4!" I said excitedly.

"Thanks a million. You are the best friend I could ever have."

As Cassie said that I embraced her in a hug. She is the best friend I could ever ask for.

I went to wash the dish as she went to clean her room.

I finished in about 20 minutes and was I tired. I thought of texting Harry since I was bored. I just hoped he answered.

M: Hey Harry! What u doin'?

H: Hey babe. I was just thinking about you. ;)

M: Oh Harry! *giggles* I miss you so much.

H: *smiles* You could always come back home.

M: True but I'm helping Cassie with some boring house chores.

H: Well you should get back to work.

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