Chapter 6: Leonardo

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It had been several months since you first met Leonardo, so much had happened and your life changed so drastically. First of all, you lost your parents and without them you were very lost. But light re-entered your life in the form of April O'Neil, your first teen friend after the accident. To further bring excitement to your life you met a mutant turtle that spent his nights fighting crime one night after school. He continued to make appearances in your life, causing you emotional turmoil. Which only worsened the closer you got to him, you met his brother, his father and now you are training and fighting by their side when you weren't in school. You wouldn't trade this new life of yours for anything.

You enter your apartment, all bundled up after taking the bus home after cheerleading at a basketball game. It was winter now, snow was on the ground and the city was all alight. You were exhausted and your muscles ached extra bad, your training with Splinter and the guys on top of cheer was intense. You set your backpack down and take off your boots and winter coat, heading straight to the bathroom and starting up the shower. You get yourself cleaned up in the warm water and then find your coziest warmest p.j set before sitting on your bed with phone in hand.

The first thing you did was check for new texts from Leo. April was right, you were head over heels for the guy. Seeing no texts you go to your camera roll, finding a selfie you took with Leo after you two won a game in the arcade as a team. In the background April and Donatello were pouting at the loss. Leo had a bright smile on his face, arm around you, pulling you close to his side. He truly was somethign else, he was so sweet, funny, charismatic, sure more often than not he was an idiot with a bigger ego than a head but you truely loved him. Thinking about it made you realize that you couldn't just sit on the sidelines of your own love life, you needed to ask him out.

You feel heat rise from your cheeks as blood rushes to your face. Your hands cover your surely red face up as you continued to think about asking Leonardo out. How would you even do this? Hey Leo, I know this is weird but wanna go out with me?

"HA!" you laugh at yourself, feeling silly but at the same time wasn't it that simple? You decided that the best thing to do was some research, so you turn to Google. You search up first date ideas, spending a good amount of time just scrolling through, trying to find something that would be romantic but fun. You finally see it, since it was the holiday season there was an ice rink right at the foot of the famous NYC Christmas tree! You had so many good memories there, your parents took you to skate at least once a year! A midnight ice skate date would be so perfect! Plus you would get to see if Leo knew his way around the ice. It was always fun to see newbies trying to get their bearings on ice skates.

So, you did the easy part found something for you and Leo to do on the date, but now you had to ask the guy. Your self doubt session is inturripted by the sound of you reciving a text. You take a look and instantly blush crimson, it just had to be Leo.

Leo💙: Hey Y/N!

Y/N: Hey Leo! What's up?

Leo💙: I'm boarddddd! Patrol tonight has been sooo boringggg and it's cold out here! Im freezing my shell off out here!

Y/N: Well if you want to you can stop by my place? I'll make some hot cocoa for you.

Leo💙: You serious?

Y/N: Of course! Have I ever lied to you?

Leo:💙 Y/N you are amazing! Im on my way!

You chuckle and get up off your bed, you head to the kitchen and get two mugs ready and start boiling some water. While the water is boiling you hear a familiar shout followed by something hitting the floor. You peak out of the kitchen just in time to see the blue portal closing and Leo was on the floor. You walk over and crouch beside him. "Nice enterance." You giggle, a smirk onnyour lips as you look down at him

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