Adam Banks

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His chest ached.

It was a feeling he was not used to and felt before surely, but for other reasons. This time around the feeling was unclear and he figured he could deal with the chest pain. It would eventually go away and that's what he kept to, he fought his head and told himself it would stop aching before the hockey game.

However, it was the middle of the first period and he lied saying he needed to use the washroom. Something Coach Bombay definitely wasn't in awe to hear but let the boy go anyway, the woman standing at the bench noticed he looked a little off than normal, but said nothing.

He leaned forward on his stool, face contorting to one of  pain as he tried to ease it away. The boy leaned forward between his knees, hand pressing to his chest as his jersey was slung over his knee until he felt good enough to go back out. Light groans escaped as the pain wasn't easing up and instead got worst.

Sharp pains pierced his chest in the same particular spot as the day before. Every stab was almost the same, some were strong and others were weak but they all acted the same. It bothered him that he couldn't stop it and sometimes it ached bad enough he felt like he couldn't breathe.

Lifting his head, he exhaled and shook his head, deciding to walk it off. Leaving his stool, hand to his knee to hoist himself up, he felt lightheaded suddenly and almost fell forward, but caught himself before he did. The floor seemed awful close for a second as his entire body shifted one way and his mind another. Hand extended in front of him, touching air as he stared around and proceeded to shut his eyes.

His head was spinning, or maybe the room was still and he was spinning. Either way, Adam Banks could not tell you which it truly was.

Trembling, he didn't realize he was shaking from what was happening. Unable to control himself as the pain was getting to him and he wanted to fall to his knees and sob. The stabbing in his chest continued as his arms began to shake, a light trembling made him look like he was shivering from the cold, but wasn't. 

He was both afraid and in a bit of a shock. Adam was over stressing and didn't know what was happening that it continued and got worst.

His breaths hitched the more he panicked, unsure why he was suddenly heaving for air and held his chest. One step forward and he felt fine, but a second and third led him to groan with a hand to his chest again. Applying a firm pressure, his head felt heavy as if someone was pushing his head down and he forcing against them it.

It ached.

Lip quivered and his hands became clammy and he jogged toward the washroom, thinking he needed to throw up as his stomach sank. Unable to sustain the feelings he felt, the boy's trembly hand reached for the wall in front of him and as he went to fall to his knees, he didn't.

The locker room door closed.

The tiny girl had run in on her skates with a huff and a concern for her teammate as he'd been gone an awful long while. No one had gone to check on him and she had the guts to go find him and thankfully she had before something worst happened.

"Chloe?" He furrowed his brows, groaning as he held his chest.

The small girl had run below him, hands pressing against his chest as she held him, not letting him fall. "Yeah." She nods. "What's wrong?" She eyed him.

She took in every detail about him from his clammy hands to his pale complexion and shakiness. 

Adam swallowed. "I don't know." He whispered. "I don't know." He spoke up a bit louder, beginning to panic as he realized he didn't know what was happening. "I don't know." He repeated.

𝓜𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝔂 𝓓𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓼 𝓘𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼Where stories live. Discover now