Charlie Conway

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Walking around Eden hall together, Mallory held Charlie's hand as they headed for the locker room. She didn't play hockey and was never a big fan of the sport. She grew up with her father and step-mother. Being with her father, he always gave her the 'go' to do what she wanted and when she wanted. He allowed her to go out and hang with friends, he allowed her to go the movies when she wanted, to go to whatever school she wanted, to eat out at restaurants or eat take out when they wanted. 

He was a rich man with no wife and a daughter to spoil. He encouraged her to play any kind of sport that she wanted. Now, with a new wife around and mother to Mallory, things were a lot different. The duo not longer did take out or restaurants nights, curfew was shortened from eleven to nine thirty. Nights were usually spent in rather than out and Mallory disliked it and her new mother. She wished things could be her and her father, but they weren't anymore.

The boy led the girl towards his locker room, she'd been there before a few times, but she never stayed to talk or watch. She found it odd. The girl stared at her bicep and Charlie glanced over to her. "What's wrong?" He asked her.

"Our date the other day, when we went to paint ball and shoot bow and arrows." She spoke. "The cord from my bow hit my arm." She showed him.

It was bruised a blue green and hurt a lot. Charlie knew how that felt, it was because her arm was straight when she went to let the cord go, so it hit her arm and those are never pleasant. Everyone who shot bows had gone through that pain at least once before learning the correct way to do it. 

"It's because you didn't shoot the bow properly, Mal." He told her.

"I know, but it still hurts. My step-mother said 'I told you so', because she told me not to do paintball and stuff in the first place because it would hurt. She told me not to complain."

"And you dad?"

"He told me to ice it." She answered.

Charlie nods, holding the door to locker room for her and she entered. The guys all smiled and sent her a friendly hello or fist bump when she walked in. She was Charlie's friend and they wanted to treat her nicely since she was sorta part of the team now too. Connie and Julie liked Mallory, it was another girl they could hang around with. Another person to talk with or go shopping with.

Taking her seat, Mallory was flustered by the amount of half naked good looking boys in the room. She kept her eyes away as much as she could, but they still traveled around. The locker room was a shared one, and usually, they were meant to be split, especially when it came to school. However, not there because the team had two girls and no other locker rooms. They had washroom stalls, but that was too cramped the amount of equipment they had.

"Hey," Charlie spoke, nudging Mallory's side as she was staring at some of his teammates. "Don't look at 'em."

His friends laughed and Mallory shrugged, being thrown one of Fulton's clean bandannas. She gazed at it and Charlie nods to her and she sighed. "Come on." She smiled, laughing at the situation. 

Connie and Julie laughing too because Charlie wanted her to blind fold herself. He wasn't jealous of his teammates, he was afraid one of them would take her from him. "You stare, you wear." He told her.

She sighed with a chuckle, placing the blindfold over her eyes. Sitting on the bench, not seeing anything anymore, Mallory listened to the conversations going around the room, but it wasn't long before everyone was dressed and ready to leave. Not taking the blindfold, Charlie threw his jacket around the girl's shoulders before leading her out the stands. 

"Where are we going?" She asked. "I can take this off, right?"

"Not yet." He said.

The others on the ice, he smiled at his confused girl who held his hand tightly as she didn't know where she was going and feared running into something. Stopping by the stands in the walkway, Charlie brought an arm around Mallory's waist and pulled her in for a kiss. She smiled, kissing him back, then pulled the bandanna off. 

"What is this about?" She looked him in the eye, admiring them.

"It's no fun without a little fun and games, right?" He asked her.

"Agreed, but the bandanna?"

"It's hot." He shrugged. "Besides, you were starin'."

"Was not." She shrieked with a smile. "I did not." She crossed her arms. "Now, get out there and play." She shoved him away.

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