Chapter II: Unforgettable Encounter

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A month has passed since Rayga returned from Equator Mystical School in Bali. On a sunny Saturday morning at the Café Restaurant City Extra in Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia.

City Extra is one of the Mikaelson family's favorite places to eat because they have an apartment unit in Circular Quay. City Extra provides a variety of western-style food and drinks, such as steaks, meat pies, burgers, pancakes, snack soups, coffee, and tea.

Rayga and Avram come to have breakfast while discussing. The two of the cafe restaurant City Extra sat by the window overlooking the Sydney Harbor Bridge.

Sydney Harbor Bridge is one of the iconic places in Australia, opposite the Sydney Opera House, which is also famous worldwide as a place to take pictures.

A waitress with oriental glasses, wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, black trousers, and sneakers, came up to them and asked: "Are you ready to order?"

Seung Mi Sun. is 19 years old. Korean woman. Sweet and cute face, olive skin, brown hair with short straight layers, 163 cm tall, and thin body. Sociable character, active and genius. A daily worker at the cafe restaurant City Extra, Circular Quay-Sydney.

Rayga ordered: "1 Avo Toast The Lot and Deluxe Hot Chocolate."

Avram Mikaelson ordered: "1 Canadian Breakfast and English Breakfast Tea."

Mi Sun takes notes and orders in the kitchen.

Rayga asked: "Dad, aren't I an adult? Can't I stay at the Equator Mystical School?"

Avram answered diplomatically: "Rayga, you are 19 years old. Obviously, you are an adult. But it doesn't matter if you're an adult or not."

Rayga asked again: "Then why? Wasn't my father and mother who sent me to the Equator Mystical School without discussing it first? After I had many friends and even lover, now my father and mother unilaterally decided again that I should transfer to Sydney Metallurgy University. Wouldn't that be unfair, even based on 'For My Goodness'."

Avram replied: "I understand very well your disappointment. But this is also a direct request from your Grandpa and Grandma."

Rayga asked again: "Dad, is there no way I can still attend Equator Mystical School?"

Avram took a deep breath and explained: "We understand that you are disappointed, but we have many reasons to transfer you to Sydney Metallurgy University. First, your father's tenure in Indonesia has ended, and I must return to Sydney. This is a good thing. I can also help Mikaelson Corporation's business. Second, even Yuna has transferred schools directly to class 12 in the second semester in Sydney, so that next January, she will also attend Sydney Metallurgy University. Third, Mother is handing over her martial arts school to Hengki. So we as a family can meet more easily. Fourth, teacher Agung has assured us that the aura of darkness will not make you a bad person. He has approved you to transfer schools to Sydney Metallurgy University. Fifth, the father is a former alumnus and a teacher at Sydney Metallurgy University. Of course, Dad and Grandpa hope you also go to school in the same place. After all, Mikaelson Corporation is the biggest donor at Sydney Metallurgy University so you can get some convenience. Sixth, the match is in the hands of the Creator Father. If Saori is your soul mate, the long-distance relationship will also test your love relationship."

Rayga still couldn't accept the situation and ask again: "But what if my spiritual development doesn't progress as well as in the Equator Mystical School? Because there is no teacher Agung to educate me."

Avram replied: "Regarding educational and safety equipment, Sydney Metallurgy University is the best and most advanced among the eight spiritual schools. Sydney Metallurgy University has a special martial arts training room even your father has prepared it in advance. Then regarding teacher Agung, he is willing to come or even send an Equator Mystical University teacher to privately train you for a whole week with all accommodation and flight costs borne by Mikaelson Corporation. Then the attack on the school like last year by the Januman Kingdom couldn't have happened at Sydney Metallurgy University because Father had designed the defense system."

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