Chapter XXXII: Secret Meeting At Ancient Karbala Spirit School

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One night at the end of December, right at the time of the winter solstice or the so-called Winter Solstice. There was the second major gathering of the year.

A secret underground room at the Ancient Karbala Spirit School is spacious and can accommodate up to two hundred people it is still lit by the light of the torches and several fireboxes are placed in every corner of the room giving it a rather dark and tense atmosphere.

Followers and sympathizers of the archangel Shen Long were seen attending the annual ritual but this time all wore black, long-sleeved robes that covered their entire body down to their feet and covered their heads.

They even use black mouth coverings so that only the eyes are visible.

All of them stood straight in front of a stone statue three meters high in the form of a man with a muscular body, a fierce bearded face, and a two-horned head in a pose standing straight with both hands clenched at the sides.

The two eyes move like the eyes of a living person and the mouth opens every time it speaks. What an amazing and scary statue.

Only High Priest Ashura and lord Drake Wildblood were seen who didn't wear headgear and dared to make eye contact. Then some people wore robes of different colors, showing they were respected leaders.

High Priest Ashura wears gray robes as the school color of the Ancient Karbala Spirit School.

Meanwhile, Lord Drake wore a black suit with a one-eyed pyramid logo pin which is the hallmark of the uniform of the Great Economic Society.

Lord Drake gave a report: "Your Excellency Shen Long, about a month ago, Molock finally succeeded in obtaining the secrets of the robot and cyborg spirit of the Mikaelson Corporation. Meanwhile, I succeeded in passing the BELONG chip usage regulations for residents of the United States. Our target in three years, 66.6% of all humans on the surface of the earth will use it. By accepting it indirectly they have received the guarantee of protection from Venerable Shen Long which also means rebelling against the guarantee of safety from the Creator Father. They automatically become Venerable Shen Long's final retainers before the next great angel war."

The statue of Shen Long praised: "Well done you guys, where's Molock? Why isn't he the one discussing his success?"

Lord Drake looked nervous and replied tremblingly: "I'm sorry Your Highness, Molock is unable to attend due to an urgent matter. He was summoned by the leader of the Holy Temple in Rome, Italy. I am forced to permit all of them to reduce people's suspicions about our meeting every winter solstice."

Asmodeus looked like he was complaining: "Damn Molock, he and his master are having fun with women instead. We got scolded by Shen Long instead."

Lord Drake answered silently: "Asmodeus, be careful. I am afraid that Lord Shen Long can read our thoughts here."

Asmodeus laughed: "You fool if Shen Long can read our minds right now why does he need to hold a meeting. We angels can only know information from the words that come from the mouth of someone we are watching. And even then with a maximum as far as our detection aura area. So the radio frequency of angels can only transmit what they hear coming out of someone's mouth, not someone's heart. Only the Creator Father can see what is in a person's heart. After all, if Shen Long knew that we covered up Molock's lies, he would have already ordered Hades to kill you."

The statue of Shen Long asked back: "Thanatos, have you managed to find Cain?"

Thanatos. Calm and peaceful Angel of Death. Twin brother of Hypnos, son of Erebus (B) and Nyx (B). A B-class angel who had risen to a Super-type A-class in this life. Elements of Plants, Wind, and Ice. 30-year-old man. Calm character, calm but cruel. Member of the Death Legion led by Hades. Part of the angel army led by Archangel Shen Long. Able to emit a detection aura as far as 200 meters in the air and 40 meters into the earth. Able to provide an aura of protection up to 200 cm. Twin brother of Hypnos (B) and younger sister of Hemera (B).

A man wears a white, long-sleeved robe with a length that covers his entire body down to his feet and covers his head. He even uses a white mouth cover so that only the eyes are visible.

The white-robed man replied: "Servant has not been able to find him, please be merciful."

Shen Long asked again: "Poseidon, have you successfully settled the dispute in your territory?"

Poseidon. Angel Lord of the Deep Sea. SA class angel of the Supreme Leader type. Elements of Darkness, Water, Rock, and Wind. 40-year-old man. Weak leader character, quiet and loyal. Leader of the Dark Water Legion. Part of the angel army led by Archangel Lucifer. Able to emit a detection aura as far as 400 meters in the air and sea and then 80 meters into the earth. Able to provide an aura of protection 400 cm.

A man wears a light blue, long-sleeved robe with a length that covers his entire body down to his feet and covers his head. He even uses a black mouth covering so that only the eyes are visible.

Poseidon replied: "Just a little more my lord Shen Long. Currently, Tethys and Aqua seem eager to gain more territory than Blenda, who only controls the Mediterranean. But Aqua's position was the strongest because she had the support of the nine Siren elders. Blenda has the support of the Demigods Society of Heracles group. Whereas Tethys seems to be gathering fighting strength with the support of the Judah Kingdom."

Shen Long laughed: "Ha ha ha..., three power-hungry stupid women. Even though their sea power is only limited under you Poseidon then Lucifer and me of course. Useless competition. It seems Lucifer can't lead so well that her subordinates feel they can nurture their will as deep as the ocean."

Shen Long was starting to lose his temper, and he asked again: "Hades, have you found that child yet?"

Hades replied with a slight tremor: "I'm sorry Venerable Shen Long, until today we have not been able to find any recent information about him. We are still waiting for the Spiritual Olympiad event, maybe he will come out and introduce himself."

Shen Long said: "Hades and all my followers! Immediately find that child so that the day of my awakening can be accomplished quickly!"

All of his followers replied: "Yes, Venerable Shen Long."

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