Chapter XXXI: New Member Of The Killer Quartet

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For several days Wyanet kept going through the CCTV footage without knowing what to look for. This data is the latest data sent by Dr. Kesha.

Finally, on Friday afternoon late at night, with her persistence and with the permission of the Creator Father, Wyanet found something that could increase the strength of the enemies of Rayga and Mikaelson Corporation.

Wyanet gave it directly to Lady Grace Wildblood who didn't look too well.

When Lady Grace Wildblood got the information from Wyanet, she was so excited that she even planned to hold a big meeting for the next day. Even though tomorrow is Saturday which should be a day off.

On Saturday morning at 09.00 in the meeting room of the Genesis Enterprise leadership. That morning all the leaders of Genesis attended the meeting, as usual, the meeting was chaired by Lord Max followed by Lady Grace, General Mike, Colonel Jane, Lady Lafiza, Robert, and Donald Sanders. They are all present in the meeting room.

Meanwhile, James Kwok, Mrs. Vanessa Trinh, Astin, and Reynard Alexander were unable to attend because they were in their respective countries. They only appear through a screen cut in the big screen of the meeting room. They were all watching CCTV footage of Mikaelson Corporation with a digital sound that didn't match the original sound.

So Wyanet, who is a computer expert, uses a new computer program that can detect mouth movements from recorded images of a film and convert them into digital sound engineering through a very complex algorithm.

The purpose of this computer program, is to hear the conversations of several people from a video recording without sound. A very great program which is certainly made by a very genius. It's a shame that such a great program fell into the hands of people with bad behavior.

In the film, there is a scene where Rayga meets Professor Konami in the laboratory on the 3rd floor of the Mikaelson Corporation's main building, the day before the attack. Precisely on Saturday morning. At that time the two of them were checking on Zero who had just finished fighting the Supreme teacher a week before.

Rayga's conversation with professor Konami caught on the CCTV screen is as follows:

Professor Konami explained to Rayga: "Okay, I'll explain. The best way to make a spirit warrior cyborg is to use the corpse of a great fighter spiritual man in one piece and then inject liquid sorganium into his spine."

"This must be done within a maximum of two days if the body was not injected with formalin. or a maximum of seven days if the body was injected with formalin. This seven-day limit is equal to the maximum length of time a spirit can stay in the earth's spirit realm before its spirit is sucked into the Purgatory or the Barzakh realm. Purgatory or the realm of Barzakh is the place where the spirits wait after death before the great judgment time."

"We carried out the cyborg spirit process on Zero, we strengthened all of his body's bones with liquid sorganium so that the aura flow can move smoothly. Do you know? Many spiritual warriors and scientists think that aura travels through muscle tissue and nerves but after studying Zero's body Avram and I finally discovered that it travels through bone. Meanwhile, muscle and nerve tissue only functions to transmit brain commands to move the body. This is the main basis for creating spirit cyborgs."

"As for making spirit robots, we only need to find an intact skull of a spiritual warrior, then inject the spine and soak the entire skull in liquid sorganium and heat it so that it seeps into one. Then make muscle tissue and artificial nerve tissue, also artificial heart and brain, exoskeleton with very strong Wurzite Boron Nitrate iron and finally make synthetic skin so the spirit robot's body is ready like a human."

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