Chapter VIII: The Communication Ritual Of The Spirit Realm

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That evening at 17:55, everyone was seated at the dining room table except for Grandma Deborah and Grandpa Jacob. At exactly 18.00, the two entered the dining room and sat down. Grandpa Jacob recited the supper after having dinner while chatting casually.

After the dinner was over, all the family members gathered in the family room.

Avram started to speak: "It's finally time for Yuna and Renata to reunite with their guardian angel. Grandma Deborah will perform a spirit realm communication ritual with you. Please, mother, explain to them."

Deborah took out a gold Aura Dimensional Bracelet and continued: "The Mikaelson family woman is a human with a strong supernatural bloodline. We are women with sixth sense abilities or so-called supernatural humans. There are three types of humans in the world. The first is supernatural humans. Supernatural humans are humans who can sense the 6th to 9th with a purple aura. The second is a spiritual man, a man with a guardian angel, and the last is an ordinary human."

Rayga suddenly raised her hand. Deborah chuckled as she asked: "What's wrong Rayga? You raise your hand like a student who wants to ask a question when the teacher is teaching?"

Rayga asked: "Grandma, I have a friend with a purple aura and a guardian angel. Does that include humans? Because it's not in the type of human that Grandma described?"

Deborah explains: "There are spiritual people who can also be supernatural. But no supernatural man can become a spiritual man because the guardian angel's gift is the Creator Father's free will. How is it Deacon? Is my explanation correct?"

Deacon answered and ended with a chuckle: "That's right, mom. After all, if you're wrong too, I won't dare to explain now."

Grandpa Jacob laughed loudly. Finally, everyone laughed, too, after absorbing the meaning of Deacon's answer. Hassanah pinched Deacon's arm coquettishly while whispering something into her husband's ear. Then suddenly, Uncle Deacon's face turned red.

Seeing Deacon's blushing face, Song Hui also elbowed Avram while looking at each other then both smiled. Rayga, Yuna, and Renata laughed amusedly, seeing the short drama with their parents, and in their hearts, the three of them thought about what was so funny that everyone suddenly behaved strangely. The Mikaelson family is very warm.

After things calmed down, Deborah continued: "So, when you're 17 years old, and your child's hidden talents haven't yet seen, we Mikaelson family will perform a spirit realm communication ritual where Yuna and Renata will alternately hypnotize while holding the Dimensional Aura Bracelet as a unifying spirit medium. After that, we will see the results. All right, who wants to go first? Yuna or Renata?"

Yuna nudged Renata, saying: "Renata is the older one first."

Renata replied: "No! You're just Yuna. Aren't you more daring?"

Finally, Grandma Deborah decided: "Okay then, Yuna first. Come on, Avram, Song Hui, and Jacob let's move to my study. The rest are waiting here."

So the five of them, Jacob, Deborah, Avram, Song Hui, and Yuna, moved to Grandma's office while Deacon, Hassanah, Renata, and Rayga stayed in the room.

Rayga asked: "Uncle Deacon, was it like this when I did the spirit realm communication ritual?"

Deacon explained: "That's right Rayga, you are a very interesting case. About two years ago, we performed a spirit realm communication ritual for you, but grandma couldn't speak to your guardian angel, as if a strong memory membrane was blocking her. Grandma Deborah is a former Grand Master of supernatural humans, or humans with 8th sense abilities, which means she is a very strong supernatural human in her time. I've never seen her so panicked and depressed. The six of us finally decided to hypnotize you into forgetting the ritual event. At that time, only the six of us performed the ritual without Yuna and Renata knowing because they were not old enough. After that, you started dreaming and got in sync with your guardian angel through battle."

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