Chapter XXX: Judah Kingdom's New Temple And The Change Of The World

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At Mikaelson Corporation

Two days later on Tuesday morning, a large meeting was held on the 5th floor of the Mikaelson Corporation main building.

The main meeting room measures 10 x 16 meters with the best sound, lighting, and LCD screen. There is a conference table that surrounds the room with a capacity of twenty-five people along with the chairs. The meeting room painted white, so it looks clean.

All special officials of Mikaelson Corporation, were seen attending the meeting. You can see Jacob Mikaelson sitting in the chair. Chairing the meeting then his wife Debora next to him then Avram, Song Hui, Hassanah, Santo Deacon, professor Konami, elder Elfin Akshay, elder Dwarvos Horacio, elder Centaurian Yura, Cyrano, Rayga, Prime Minister Susan, Professor Gregory and Uri Professor.

Only the Centaurian elder sat on the floor due to having the body of a horse, and took up two seats. The rest sat in their respective chairs.

Jacob spoke: "Thank you for coming guys. It was unexpected that the Dark Assassins would carry out such a big attack by bringing 110 elite troops with a 25 cm aura with Quartet Killer and Trio Killer. I don't understand who would dare to pay that much to hire them to attack us."

Hassanah spoke: "Anyone who dares to attack us has a clear goal of taking the data for making spirit robots. Although I think the enemy's methods are too excessive, they could just kidnap the spirit robot we sent and dismantle it. But they are in full force attacked here."

Professor Gregory said: "My prediction is that Dark Assassins should get a certain share or mutually beneficial cooperation with other technology companies. If not, there's no way they'd be willing to send out a large number of elite troops to take down with Trio and Quartet Killers."

Professor Konami reports: "Earlier this morning at 06.05, Ezra detected a signal transmission from the stolen Proto 10 robot followed by an explosion point. The signal shows the location is in the small town of Saint Michael in Alaska, America. It seems the enemy is being extra cautious that we have no other clues aside from that location. The plan to inject the virus into the enemy's computer server did not occur as if they were using a separate or personal computer. We didn't think that the enemy would do something like that."

Professor Deacon added: "Before I came here when I heard of this attack I consulted Saint Aegen. According to him, in Dark Assassins, the leader is a lone attacker, and his two representatives are called the new Duo Killer, Trio Killer, and Quartet Killer. By sending the main force, the party ordering the Dark Assassins must certainly be at the level of the leader of the Dark Assassins or even above. Because Duo Killer can't dare to make a cooperation agreement without the approval of its leader. What makes Santo Aegen confused is that in his youth Santo Aegen once fought with Mr. Emir Siddiq, the leader of the Dark Assassins. Santo Aegen lost but they became friends after that. According to him, the Mr. Emir that he knew was a person who didn't want to be controlled and his life was always free to roam. Because Mr. Emir can't be controlled by anyone, it means that Mr. Emir has resigned from the Dark Assassins or he is in big trouble so he has to accept the opponent's help. Since Sunday afternoon, Santo Aegen has been trying to contact Mr. Emir but there has been no reply until now."

The Centaurian elder Yura who had been silent this time looked angry: "I claimed Mr. Boaz's promise about fifty years ago through Mr. Jacob. At that time we were asked to come to work at Mikaelson Corporation with a guarantee of safety and freedom. It turns out that now two Centaurian warriors died from being attacked."

Elder Elfin Akshay rebuked: "Elder Yura, don't be like that. At first, didn't we all believe Rayga and Cyrano's warning? Imagine if you don't believe it, of course, our situation will be worse, and many more will die"

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