Chapter XV: Creation Of Angels And Earth Part Two

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In the morning as usual after doing his routine, Rayga had breakfast at 07.30. When he sat down and was about to eat, Sonia and Brianna came and sat next to him. It seems that Sonia has started to like Rayga since she was helped by Rayga last Friday from the Rumble Ball attack.

Not long after, Sarah as usual sat next to Rayga. Just a week after school, Rayga returned accompanied by three beautiful women who are famous at the university.

When the time showed 07.50, the four of them walked to their respective classrooms in the western uni building. Monday is a history class for first-year students taught by professor Ahalya, one of Rayga's favorite teachers.

Rayga walked over to the chair in front of his seat last week because he didn't want to get in trouble with the other students. Peiria seemed to have taken a seat in the chair they had fought over last week.

When their eyes met, Rayga gave a smile to Peiria who looked away with a frown, it seemed that she was still angry over last week's events. Finally, Mi Sun came and sat in the chair to the right of Rayga, like last week.

When the bell rang, professor Ahalya came into the classroom with her books and equipment. Professor Ahalya greeted: "Good morning everyone, hopefully after Saturday's holiday has given you a new spirit."

Rayga and Mi Sun replied in unison: "Good morning."

It turned out that none of the other students answered Professor Ahalya's greeting. Rayga and Mi Sun looked at each other. Rayga smiled mischievously, this time Mi Sun also smiled.

Professor Ahalya continued the story from last week.

After Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden of Eden, the ninth and tenth sense abilities were locked by the Creator Father. They are no longer able to fly, can no longer breathe in the water, soil, or lava, nor do they have immortal bodies so their strength drops drastically.

They were no longer equal opponents to the archangels because Adam and Eve had been downgraded to SA-class beings, like Great Angel. Adam's strength became so weak that he even had to live from farming and herding cattle.

Shen Long and Lucifer laughed and were overjoyed that a human being in the image of the Creator Father was plunged into sin and trouble. Shen Long and Lucifer both saw that the fruit of the Tree of Life and the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil could increase their abilities too. Then only a few angels who were followers of the archangel Gabriel guarded the garden of Eden.

After preparing strength for 496 years, finally, Shen Long and Lucifer with all their soldiers attacked the garden of Eden. Then there was the second great angel war which is often called the 'War in Eden and Heaven' about 7410 years ago.

Michael led Heaven's Army to come down to earth and defend the garden of Eden. This battle is enormous and greater than the first angelic war.

This time the enemy has the help of the dragons that the Dragon Mother gave birth to for Shen Long then followed by Dinosaurs, Giants, Cursed Creatures, and the new angels who betrayed the Creator Father like Shu Cen and his followers along with their old army of followers in the first great angel war.

This time the war was one-sided. Michael and the entire Heavenly Army almost lost to Shen Long's and Lucifer's armies because of their strategy of making two places of war in the gardens of Eden and Heaven.

After all Shen Long finally had a sword and armor on par with Michael's Holy Amethys Sword and armor. By sacrificing his eldest son, the White Skull Dragon, Shen Long created an all-powerful sword with an armor called the Dragon Bone Armor Sword which was taken from the White Skull Dragon's spine and entire body.

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