Chapter XVII: Proto 0

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About three and a half months had passed since Rayga attended Sydney Metallurgy University. On Saturday after breakfast, as usual, Rayga went with Jacob, Avram, and Hassanah to Mikaelson Corporation. On the way, there was an important conversation.

Hassanah recounted: "Last night a strange incident occurred, I discovered that an intruder was trying to enter our computer network. This can only be done by an insider but when I looked up who it was, suddenly I lost his digital footprint."

Avram asked: "What documents are they trying to hack, Hassanah?"

Hassanah replied: "Regarding the spirit robot project, specifically the part of merging the brain with spirit and strengthening the robot's muscles."

Jacob complained: "Strange, only the special staff of Mikaelson Corporation have that access. Even though all of our staff are selected people who have been examined and selected from very difficult tests. Even though we have removed their identity, they are high-ranking workers of Mikaelson Corporation. There are still spies."

Avram spoke: "Dad, I can't believe there are spies in our special staff. They are like our own family. We even know their family history. Maybe some of them were threatened and forced to divulge our secrets."

Hassanah spoke: "In fact, to hack a computer we can only access the computer inside. Because we do not use the internet connection from the outside world. I'm afraid this will continue. The spies will keep trying until they get what they want."

Finally, Rayga joined in asking: "Everyone, may I have an opinion?"

Jacob replied: "Please Rayga, state your opinion."

Rayga asked: "Thank you Grandpa. My first question. We just passed a DNA scan at the front gate. Is it possible that a Dark Assassin who is good at disguise and carries a little bit of our Staff's DNA can make it through the scan earlier?"

Avram replied: "No way my son because we have changed the scanning rules. So your aunt and I changed the system by storing 100% of the DNA, blood type, and medical history of the staff. So when someone disguises themselves, not 100% of the DNA of hair, skin, blood, and even the medical history of our staff, the computer will send the news to the security post. The alarm will not sound but our security is aware of it anyway. Or basically, it's impossible for someone using one's body to be 100% equal without any advantages or disadvantages."

Rayga said: "Then my guess is correct. The way they infiltrate other than by blackmailing our staff is hypnosis to regulate the brain from the subconscious. Then I was also told by teacher Ni Luh that when a spiritual person is hypnotized, the guardian angel is also hypnotized."

Hassanah asked: "Who could do such a thing?"

Rayga replied: "My enemy Hypnos. He was the one responsible for making the Januman Kingdom attack the Equator Mystical School about six months ago. His hypnotic abilities are great and massive. He can hypnotize hundreds of individuals and manipulate their brains. Even Hypnos himself is a guardian angel who forcibly takes the human body he protects and locks his master's consciousness in his mental world."

Jacob asked: "Then how to get rid of hypnosis or find out which staff was hypnotized?"

Rayga replied: "The easiest way is to invite teacher Ni Luh and teacher Agung to Sydney. Gather the staff in a room without them knowing beforehand. Let teacher Ni Luh and teacher Agung perform the hypnotic removal ritual without the knowledge of the special staff. Later after the ritual, the spies will be exposed."

Hassanah was still not satisfied: "So what if it turns out that no one was hypnotized but was blackmailed?"

Rayga smiled mischievously at Aunt Hassanah: "It's easy, just like the way dad and aunt changed the scanning system. Doesn't it match the original?"

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