Chapter XXI: Transforming Spirit Weapons Into Aigis And Spirit Cyborg Creation

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Sydney Metallurgy University

Finally arrived back on the day of Professor Uri's teaching schedule. This time he came with Sarah carrying various spirit items. They put all the spirit items on the teacher's desk, and what was left was exactly on Rayga's table who was sitting in the front at that time.

Rayga saw on his desk there were pendants, rings, earrings, mini-sized swords, and other strange things. Sarah chose to sit on the chair next to Rayga, they both smiled together while glancing wittily at the objects.

Professor Uri started the lesson by asking: "Are there any students in this class who don't understand about sorganium? Please raise your hand!"

It turned out that not a single student raised his hand.

Professor Uri said: "Well then the explanation will be easier. Today I will explain about spirit objects and weapons." Then he began to explain:

"A spirit item is an item that has been given the spirit of a deceased human or demigod or Nephilim. Not an angel spirit because after a spiritual human dies, the guardian angel will return to heaven or the underground hell to become a free angel until he gets a new task to protect humans. As we know, only E-class angels to B-class angels are obliged to protect humans."

"When a person dies, whether he is an ordinary human or spiritual or supernatural or Nephilim demigod then their remains will return to dust and dirt. While the spirit got several choices. The first option waits in the barzah or purgatory realms until the final judgment. The second option is to become a spirit object and then help other humans to do good. So that in the judgment of the end of time, the spirit of the spirit object will get a waiver of forgiveness which is commonly called spirit transition reincarnation."

"For the first and second choices, it means that the spirit still has a chance to be saved at the end of time. Finally, the third option is when during their lifetime they have sold their spirits to Shen Long or Lucifer to get blessings, strength and glory from the power of darkness. So that after they die, their spirits will automatically become Ghoulard or Hellenion and Undead, namely the creatures of darkness and hell."

"As for the way of, storing spirits inside an object, it can happen because first, it is forced by a spiritual human with special abilities or a supernatural human with the ability to speak with spirits and control the mind. Second, by the arrangement of the Creator Father's free will and lastly based on requests from outside, namely family and friends. So that the spirit voluntarily inhabits an object."

"Right now, we are focused on discussing spirit weapons. Just like spirit items, spirit weapons were weapons that possessed a spirit. However, not all spirit weapons have spirits. Some spirit weapons relied on sorganium alone or added special magic. They are still called spirit weapons because they can increase the user's spirit power. Spirit weapons themselves are currently by spiritual humans divided into several power levels. Let's look at the slides on the screen." 

"Here are some spirit weapon names that I know and have recorded. There are much more Primordial or Mega class and Strong class spirit weapons as these are the two classes that are used the most."


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