Chapter XXIV: Attack On Mikaelson Corporation Part 2

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Rayga, Bellen, Alejo and Cyrano confront Jack, Adara, Azibo and Dimitri

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Rayga, Bellen, Alejo and Cyrano confront Jack, Adara, Azibo and Dimitri. The eight fighters immediately chose their respective opponents.

When it, was seen that Azibo was about to destroy the armored vehicles, Cyrano and his group immediately confronted Azibo. It turned out that Azibo was going, to run into the main building, not to destroy the armored vehicles.

Alejo, is drawn to fight the funny look Azibo who, is wearing a clown mask. Alejo automatically ran after Azibo like two small children playing chase.

Rayga had already chosen Jack to be his opponent as soon as he saw him. The two of them, also directly attacked each other and moved to separate places.

Adara chose Bellen as female fighters. Bellen shot towards Adara while luring Adara to a wider fighting area.

Bellen with a plant aura VS Adara with a dark aura

Bellen gave off a 50 cm plant green aura. Bellen wields a non element Mega-class spirit mechanical bow that can increase attack aura by up to 4x made by Mikaelson Corporation attached to her left hand.

Then a quiver of arrows slung over her back shoulder and a spirit blade Strong class non element that can increase the attack aura up to 3x, belonging to a Centaurian nation warrior.

Adara, was also challenged to see Bellen, the only female fighter on Mikaelson's side. Adara emits an aura of 60 cm and takes out twin demonic claws named Alu of the Primordial class with the element of darkness which can increase aura up to 4x.

Adara, was in a more advantageous position because Bellen's plant element was weak against her darkness element. So, Bellen's aura power was only 50% effective.

Bellen looks unfazed by the opponent's strength which is much stronger than her. It seems she has a new power. Bellen said in his heart: "Thank you Rayga, after losing against you made me continue to train diligently. I have finally reached the evolutionary stage of the plant element."

Bellen took the spirit arrow and then attached it to the mechanical bow in her left hand. Bellen shot towards Adara while luring Adara to a wider fighting area.

Adara also wanted to find a more comfortable place to fight so he chased Bellen.

Bellen kept running while continuing to shoot, she chose long-range attacks because she understood that close combat would benefit Adara.

Adara started to stay in her position thinking of a plan while continuing to break the arrows of Bellen's spirit that shot toward her. Not a single arrow could touch her body.

Nyx, gave advice: "Let's just wait until the arrows run out before we attack."

Adara replied: "I agree. Thanks for the advice Nyx."

Nyx's guess was right, after 19 times shooting Bellen's arrows finally ran out. Bellen, was forced to attack at close range. Bellen took out her spirit saber because there was only one spirit arrow left. Looks like Bellen saved the arrow as the last arrow shot.

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