23| What Happened?

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"Well, Baji- we can talk now, right?"

Baji lowered his head to look at you with one eye still closed and his arms still crossed.

"Hm, I guess so..." Baji said.

"Well, how about we start when I passed out?"

"Hm, alright," Baji said emotionless.

-------------------------------------------------------------------End of Recap--------------------------------------------


The fight between Y/n and Aoi ended in Y/n's victory.

Everyone stood silent as we watched Y/n get her last hits on Aoi and walk away.

She started walking to Mikey, slowly losing balance and fumbling over her feet. She held the wound on her shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding- it wasn't working.

The arm she was using to try and stop the bleeding fell to her side.

"Y/N -"

"Shush- Im al-right...I promise," she said softly.

Everyone stood there frozen, watching the blood drip down her arm.

As she finished her sentence, it looked as if she rolled her ankle right then and there- she fell to her knee, "Shit..."

She tried her best to get back on her feet. Mikey looked frozen- "Y- Y/n...?" he mumbled.

She stood up, "Hm ?" she continued walking, "Aw, why are you crying," she said with a giggle, giving one of the sweetest smiles.

She started to walk towards him- but she stopped.

"Eh, can you all stop staring at me," she said, giggling again.

Her eyes rolled back- she lost consciousness, "Y/n !!" Someone said as they caught her before she hit the floor.

It was Mikey; he picked her up in bridal style and started walking. He walked to Mitsuya and handed her to him, "I'm leaving her in your care, Mistuya..."

MItsuya set her down and tried his best to stop the bleeding the best he could. He ripped the sleeve of his uniform and wrapped it around her wound. Mikey stood over both of them.

Mikey didn't stand there for long as he turned his gaze behind him- to Kazutora and then back to the floor.

Kazutora just sat there stunned, unable to believe what had happened- no one could. Some sobbing in the background was heard, which of course, came from Takemichi.

Chifuyu stood at Baji's side, helping him keep his balance while barely keeping his own.

"So Y/n sacrificed herself to protect me..." Baji muttered.

"That wannabe..." was heard.

Everyone in earshot looked over to Aoi right back on her feet, "It was just as predicted," she said.

"What the hell are you talking about-" Baji started before being cut off.

"Y/n Y/n Y/n, always trying to play the hero-"

"What...?" Chifuyu muttered.

Aoi sat back onto the floor, sitting criss-cross, "Y/n. That one lonely girl at school who no one talks to. She always seemed all gloomy- everyone thinks she was a weirdo. They stayed away from her- even I did.

For your guys' sake, I'll give you a little background on Y/n and me. M'kay-" she smiled as if nothing ever happened, "We used to be best friends- until I abandoned her. Or more like ruined her" Aoi grinned, "Y/n was just too damn perfect-."

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