Heartache and Hurricanes

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As expected Liam and Theo slept through the entire day. Once Liam got up to use the bathroom and had to maneuver out of Theo's arms. Theo had let out a sleepy groan and then hugged a pillow to replace the absent warmth. Liam thought it was fucking adorable.

He moved downstairs quietly, and he heard voices coming from the living room. He assumed they'd all be awake, but it was still a little strange. He moved to the base of the stairs and Isaac looked up at him from where he was sitting on the armchair, Scott sitting on him. Scott glanced up too then.

Neither of them said anything but Scott got off of him and let him up. The two of them met in the kitchen while Liam grabbed water.

"Hey, how you guys doing? Did you see my texts?" Isaac asked quietly.

"No, I didn't check my phone. I didn't really wanna know what time it was." Liam replied, siping the water and grabbing another cup.

"Well," Isaac said, "sorry to inform you that it's about 8, so. The rains basically stopped. You can consider your Sunday as time well spent." He smiled at Liam.

"Seriously though, you guys alright?"

"I think so," Liam said, "We haven't really talked, but I'm hoping we will." He was quiet for a moment but Isaac stayed silent, he knew he had more to say. "I guess it's just the idea that I'm one of, if not the only, person he's really been able to talk to about, well, everything. I just want him to know he can talk to me. That he doesn't have to bottle shit up."

Isaac smiled, "Then just tell him that. I doubt anyone's said that kind of thing to him in a long time, if ever."

"Yeah," Liam said, "You're right."

Isaac chuckled a little, "What?" Liam asked.

"You should check your texts." Isaac smiled.

Liam filled the other glass and then made his way back up the stairs, smiling at Scott, Derek, and Stiles on his way.

When he made it to his room he set the water down on the nightstand and grabbed his phone. He slipped the pillow out of Theo's arm and layed down in between them again, this time lying on his back so that Theo's arms were wrapped lower around his waist and his face moved to press into Liam's hip. Liam tensed but found himself feeling very safe in the situation. He shifted and Theo squeezed him tighter.

Liam checked his texts.

Izzy 10:05pm- let me know if either of you need anything

Izzy 11:12pm- we're all going to bed

Scott and I are going in my room

Derek and Stiles are still in the living room

Izzy 8:27am- there's food downstairs if you guys get hungry

Izzy 9:08- you guys are cute btw

Stiles 11:45- jesus, are you really still asleep?!?!?!

Stiles 11:51- its kinda impressive honestly

Izzy 5:31- Image sent

Theo was pressed up against Liam with his head buried in the crook of his neck. Liam had thrown part of the blanket off of him so that the place where one of each other's hands were intertwined was visibly and pressed up against Liam's heart.

Liam felt a warm feeling in his chest. He saved the image in his camera roll and looked down at Theo. He ran his hand gently through the wolf's hair. Theo stirred. Liam decided that 22 hours was probably a good amount of sleep, anymore and they might never wake up.

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