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Chapter dedicated rallytenh and aberemiracle
Check out her books: The Vampire's Weakness and The Werewolf's Pet.


Hernandez and Rodney had gotten to the Don of the Crown Empire.
An hour had gone by, the Mexican transfer had arrived and the situation was being dealt with.

Sweat was dripping off Kaden, the buttons of his shirt all gone and he had nose and mouth bleeds. His bones hurt but he didn't care because his goal was kill the bastard fighting him and nothing else. Hernandez Moretti.
They fought without weapons.
Pablo was taking care of Rodney quite well.

Hernandez was as tattered as he was and Kaden was ready to show him the worst as he felt he had been going easy on him.

"You're a dead man," Hernandez laughed in-between hard breathes.

Kaden attacked him. He used his forearm to choke him, making Hernandez immobile.
He struggled to leave his grip but Kaden didn't let him but rather, increased his force.

Hernandez pulled out a paring knife from his jacket and before Kaden could remove his arm, he cut deep.
Kaden grunted and then Hernandez punched him in the face, making him stagger and giving another mouth bleed.

"You fucking bastard!" He clutched his bleeding arm. "We weren't supposed to use weapons!"

Hernandez laughed making Kaden want to do nothing but break his neck.
"Everything is fair in war, Arturo. Any reasonable Don will know that but you are just a coward. You're a joke. An excuse of a Don! Just like your fucking father."

"Excuse me?" Kaden deadpanned.
Hearing that statement from the bastard's mouth, he felt anger rise in him more. No one dared to talk shit about Alexander and Veronica Crown while he was still alive.

He laughed again.
"You're joining Alexander and Veronica Crown in hell today where you all belong."

"Keep my parents names out of your fucking mouth!" He yelled and lunged at him, attacking him ferociously, like a lion. He attacked with consecutive punches and as he kept punching, he felt something unfamiliar rise up in him; he saw red and only wanted to keep punching and punching till he was pulp. Hernandez didn't expect the force that came with the punches and before he could dodge or block, another was coming. Kaden seemed possessed at that point.

There was no way he was going to let him live after what he just said about his parents topped up with the fact that he had killed his parents.

Kaden got the upper hand and  Hernandez was now on the ground, at Don Kaden Crown's mercy.
The Don pressed his knee on his stomach and threw ten hard blows on his face and when he was done, his face is bloody, Kaden's knuckles were torn and his breathing was ragged.
He smirked in victory seeing his immobile, pathetic state.
If there was any emotion that could trigger someone to act like a beast, it wasn't anger...it was rage. Rage was a developed anger that could make anyone destroy anything. It was a like a demon. It was destructive and that was dominant in Don Kaden's body at the moment.
He wanted to kill the man he had beaten to a pulp.

He turned to get his rifle and Pablo was there. He had witnessed what Kaden did to Hernandez.
Kaden turned and was pleased when he saw an unconscious Rodney.

Finally. Was all Kaden could think.

He took his rifle and advanced towards Hernandez and that was when he heard the cracking of a gun. And at that moment, his sixth sense of security kicked in and everything seemed too easy.

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