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She pulled away from him after several seconds, getting a hold of herself.

"Jayda..." He started and she backed away from him. He hated seeing the sadness in her eyes, he hated that she wanted to get away from him. "Please."

"Why are you here? What are you doing here?" She held her tears back. She shouldn't be showing weakness in front of him.

"I ...wanted to know if you were alright."

"If I was alright? If I was alright! Are you seriously saying this to me, right now!" She screamed at him. "Well, I am not! I have been miserable. I have been crying like an unpacified child. Because of you! Because you are such a fucking asshole that I am madly in love with. And you haven't tried to reach me once and now after days and days and days, you come to my doorstep to ask me if I am fucking alright! Do I look alright to you Kaden? Do I!" Her voice cracked and she burst out crying again.

His chest tightened and he hated himself instantly.
He moved to hold her, to pacify her, to kiss her, to hug her, to apologize to her. But she nodded in negation and stepped away.

"No. Don't come near me. Don't."

"Princesa, I'm sorry. I swear I never meant to hurt you like this. Just give me a chance to explain myself. Please amor."

"Why? Why now? Why not sooner? You never loved me, did you?"

"Why would you say that..."

He was interrupted when he heard a car door slam.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Kaden?" Rachel's voice was dead angry as she approached the doorstep.
"Joedi to your room, now."

Joedi was confused and hated the way Rachel ordered her with so much harshness.
Her and Jayda had been getting on her nerves for the past 12 days.

"Joedi now."

Jayda had wiped her tears, not wanting to let her little sister see them.
Joedi looked at the three adults present and walked away, rolling her eyes. After they couldn't see her, obviously.

"Kaden, I will not stand here and watch you do this to my best friend. I suggest you leave. Right now."

"Rachel. I just need to talk to her."

"Does she look like she wants to talk to you? Does she? I do not know what the fuck you did to her, but I won't let you do more."

Kaden looked at Jayda and his heart broke seeing tears rolling down her cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Princesa. I just want to explain myself. I fucked up. Please. Just hear me out. I love you. Please."

Hearing those three words, she couldn't take it anymore, she let out a soft sob and scurried away. He couldn't do this to her.

He wanted to follow but Rachel held him back

"Rachel, damnit, just let me talk to her."

"No. I won't. Jayda doesn't deserve whatever shit you put her through. Her heart is fragile no matter how positive and strong she tries to be most of time and then you just break to nothing. She trusted you. I trusted you. I was certain you'd never do anything to hurt her but God, I was so darn wrong. What the hell did you do? Cause she won't tell me anything and that hurts the most."

"I'm an asshole, I know. I fucked up, no doubt. But I want to make it alright..."

"Kaden. What did you do? What did you say to her? Talk. Now."

"Two of my hospitals in Mexico are gone. Rodney and Hernandez..."

"Kira told me. That's shitty and I'm sorry. Kira told me about your tantrum. Did you really say Jayda was a distraction? Was that what you told her? Was that why she left?"

"I didn't. I didn't tell her that. I was angry, I came home really late. I didn't think she'd be awake. But she was... waiting up for me.  I didn't think she'd leave. I was rude. I said something about her leaving if she wanted to cause she said I'd locked her up. I barely said anything. It must've really hurt her so she left."

"Jayda wouldn't leave someone she loves just like that. Jayda would stay and argue, so I do not believe this story."

"Why would I lie to you, Rachel?"

"I don't know. Why would you hurt my best friend?"

Kaden wouldn't take this kind of tone and attitude from anyone. But this was Rachel. And she was something like a senior sister to Kaden even though he was older than her. And the woman could give a mean punch.

"I just want to make things right, Rachel."

"What was your plan? If she wasn't awake by the time you came back?"

"To keep my distance. Basically. I never even thought about telling her to actually leave, even though that was what I wanted. I was a dick. I blamed her for what happened. And I shouldn't have. I didn't want her to be involved in my world."

"So, shit gets more shitty and you behave like a dick to my best friend."


"No. That's how it is? Something goes wrong and you blame her for being a "distraction" and then you let her leave? Is that it? Is that how it's going to be? Cause if it is, you should get going right now and never think of talking to her ever again cause she deserves better. Jayda deserves better than this and you know that."

"Yes! I know! I'm no good for her. But I want her. I need her. I love her! She's all I want. I've been on the brink of insanity without her. I am a mess of a man without her. I made a mistake and I want to make things right, so please let me. I can't loose her. She's the only light I have in this dark world of mine. I love her. Please."

Rachel sighed and so did he.
She didn't need to be told twice that he was being sincere. He looked like shit and she was happy he did. The man always seemed to look good and so did her best friend. So if Jayda was looking depressed and miserable, he had to look that way too. Cause if hurting her, didn't hurt him, he didn't love her. At all.

"Cafe. Tomorrow. Noon. She doesn't have class," was all she said before entering the house and slamming the door.

Rachel found Jayda in Joedi's room, they were cuddling and watching ballerinas.


"Hey," the sisters answered.

"There's still room," Joedi said and Rachel smiled. She has the sweetest personality. Even though Rachel knew she was pissed at her and Jayda.

Rachel took off her shoes and joined them on the bed.


He parked his car at the entrance gate of St. Getrude's cemetery.
He got down with a bouquet of lilies on his hand and walked in.

Then he got there. To the place where he felt most close to his papa. He knelt down and threw the withered flowers, putting the fresh ones he'd brought. He did the same to the grave next to that one. His mama's grave.

"No sé si alguna vez podré ser como tú o ser tan valiente y valiente como tú, pero te haré sentir orgulloso. Seré una mejor persona. Un mejor hermano para Andrea. Un mejor Don para el Crown Empire. Prometo. Y no dejaré que Jayda se vaya otra vez. Realmente la amo y mamá y tú la habríais amado aún más. No dejaré que la ira y el miedo hablen por mí nunca más. Y te vengaré. Acabaré con esos hermanos bastardos y no pararé hasta hacerlo. Lo que sea necesario. Feliz cumpleaños, papá."

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