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Chapter dedicated to my favorite and active, readers. I love you two sm.
peanutsandbun and Bibiaannaa

He was scared. Scared on his whole drive to the hospital and his fear increased when he got there and the doctor told him that they couldn't do anything without their chief doctor who was on the way.
He cursed at them and called Dr. Valverde from his hospital to send an ambulance and in 5 minutes it was there and Jayda was taken to Alerica— his hospital.

Valverde was the Crown family doctor and Kaden insisted that he was going to treat Jayda.

She was bleeding so much from her head and he swore that if anything happened to her, he'd make sure he shut the fucking hospital down.
The rescue operation guy who had called him, explained how the accident happened and Kaden had it in mind that the stupid truck driver would spend some months in prison. Ten at the least.
And he could make it happen.

He was restless, sitting, tapping his leg anxiously on the ground when Kira and Pablo arrived.

Kira went to give her brother a big hug.

"What happened to her? How's she doing?" Panic was laced in her voice.

He told her what happened at Ocean.
"Valverde hasn't told me anything since she was brought here. She was bleeding pretty bad. Fuck," he ran his fingers through his hair.
He was trembling and Kira saw it. She saw the fear in his eyes. She saw something that she'd never seen before. She could tell that he was going to loose it of anything happened to Jayda.

"She'll be fine. I promise." She hugged him again and she didn't fail to notice that he hugged her the same way on the day their parents died.

"Yeah," he muttered.

Pablo slapped his shoulder in support when he stopped hugging Kira.


"Rachel I don't know what's gotten into her. What happened while I was gone? Why did she. . ."

"Why did she break up with you? Is that your question? Seriously? Cause she made all the darn reasons clear. You fucked up real bad and her patience with you has run out. Do you know how much that girl has cried because you? Because she wanted your attention, cause she wanted you to trust her, cause she wanted you to be nicer and treat her right? Do you?"

"Rachel. I know I fucked up. But I didn't know Joedi was going to have attack."

"But you left. You should've called her or something. God! And it's not just that and you know it. You've never treated her right."

"For fucks sake Rachel! I'm fucked up, I know that and I've tried to change. I'm willing to change for her!"

"Changing is not enough. And even if it is, it's too late. Far too late. You should've started changing four years ago when you yelled at her and called her nothing in front of Joedi. And when she cried every single time you avoided her, disappeared and left her alone. You've damaged Jayda enough and it's time for it to end. Move on, alright?"

Star raked her fingers through her hair.
"I'm nothing without her, Rachel. I can't live without her."

"You should've showed it then than to drag my best friend into your shit. It wasn't fair at all."

"I love her, Rachel."

"What you have is an obsession. Not love. You don't manipulate people you love and you did just that to Jayda when she was at her weakest and we both know that. That's not how love works and if you think so, you've got everything wrong. You should work on yourself, Star. You really should."

Star felt weak to the knees and her eyes seemed to produce salty liquid.

"Ra. . ."

Rachel's phone ringing interrupted Star.

Kira was calling when Rachel checked. She picked up.

"Hey, can I talk to you later, I'm really in the middle of something," she was in no position to have a conversation cause she was pissed at the blonde few feet away from her.

"What happened to Jayda? Did she. . .did something happen before she left."

Maybe Jayda had showed up sullen and Kira was worried but there was a difference between that kind of worried and the other worried that held something more serious and that was the worried Rachel was hearing from Kira's voice and tone and so she asked what happened.

"What're you going on about? Did something happen to her? Is she there yet?"

"She's at the hospital."

Rachel's mouth hung open as she was about to say something else.

"She was in a car accident," Kira said when Rachel said nothing. "She's at Kaden's hospital: Alerica. I really think you should be here."

Rachel exhaled shakily and cut the call without saying anything to Kira.

"What happened?" Star asked and when Rachel turned to her, she realized that yet again, Star had hurt her best friend.

"This will be last time you hurt my best friend, okay? You stay the fuck away from her."

"What happened?" Her voice was panicked knowing definitely something was wrong or had gone wrong with Jayda.

Rachel took her purse from the counter, hung it angrily and was storming out when Star held her and asked her what had happened, this time, with a yell.

"She got into a fucking accident, Star!" Rachel yelled back and, for the first time in years, tears rolled down her cheeks. "Because of you! You always ruin everything and hurt everyone and it has got to stop! It ends here, right this second. Just stay away. And like, Jayda said, die if you can't live."


"She's lucky to have been rushed here on time, another hour and she would've probably needed a blood transfer. We've stopped her bleeding and gotten the shards of glass out of her injuries. She's stable but she's lost a lot of blood. So when she comes to, her weakness would be serious and also she might suffer from a migraine for the first few days. Aside that, she's well."

"Thank heavens," Kira placed her hand on her chest in relief.
Kaden felt his heavy chest lighten instantly.
His Princesa was okay and the relief was almost overwhelming. He didn't know when he ever felt so scared.

"I want to go in, if that's okay," he said to Valverde.
He gave him a go ahead and Rachel told him it was okay.

He walked into the room and seeing the IVR and monitor fixed to her and her dishevled state, he knew that the pull he felt to this woman was growing stronger and stronger with every passing second and it would be stronger than him. . .it was stronger than him.

He always used to think that Kirari was his only weakness...but now seeing the woman in front of him, he was sure that nothing would ever remain the same in his life. She was going to be the death of him.
His absolute ruin.

He placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, stroking her hair.
His Princesa.

"Me has arrebatado el alma y ahora estoy mitad agonía, mitad esperanza. Puedes atraerme al fuego, puedes atraerme al agua, puedes atraerme a la horca, puedes atraerme a cualquier profundidad, puedes atraerme a cualquier cosa que haya."
He declared in Spanish, quoting Jane Austen from Persuasion and mixing it with Our Mutual Friend, by Charles Dickens.
Two authors she loved.
He held her close to him.

"Eres mio," he muttered and kissed her forehead and her body seemed to respond as she leaned into him, as if sensing his presence.

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