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The sun was hot but breeze still blew. Cool breeze.
And Jayda was seeing red but she was calm. Very calm. Which was surprising cause the bitch just has the guts to ask her where the fuck she was going.

Jayda turned to Rachel.
"I'll be back in the evening or not. But either way, take care of Joe for me."

"I will."

They hugged and Jayda was about to enter her car when the bitch spoke again.

"I asked you a question. Where the fuck are you going, Jayda?"

Rachel looked at Star and Jayda stepped away. She knew things would get really ugly so she might as well just give them their space to scream their heads out at each other.

"And who the fuck are you to ask me that question?"

Star came closer to the car and Jayda.

"What's going on with you? You ignored all my texts and calls and now, here you are, dressed like a slut going out to God knows where."

Jayda looked at herself.
"You just called me a slut, Star. What the hell?"

"I didn't call you a slut. I said you dressed like one and I'm not very far from the truth, am I?"

Jayda almost couldn't believe what was going on right now.
This was Star.
She was supposed to be her best friend and yet it was like Jayda was seeing this person for the first time. Had she always been this insensitive and rude? And how did she even overlook it in the first place?

"I don't know what is wrong with you but I do not want to be talking to you right now, because I have some where more important to be. . ."

"You're not going anywhere till you tell me why you've been ignoring me. What's wrong with you?" Star interrupted her, in a harsh tone.

"What's wrong with me?" Jayda snapped.
It was obvious she has been too calm and it even surprised Rachel.
"Don't even get me started, Star. Do not! You have no fucking right to even be here talking to me and raising your voice at me, after disappearing for over a week, after nearly killing my sister!"

Star was not expecting to hear that. "What do you mean?"

"You left Joedi all alone in house when you were supposed to take care of her. She woke up feeling sick, she couldn't find the new inhaler that you were supposed to give her when she woke up. She had an attack that almost killed her. If Rachel and I hadn't gotten home when we got home, my sister would've been dead. Because of you. You had only one favor to do for me and you knew how much Joedi means to me, you even call her your younger sister, and what do you do? You leave her all alone. You put her life on the line. And for what?"

Star couldn't answer. She didn't expect that to happen.

"For what, Star!" Jayda yelled. "Where were you? Where did you go? Why did you leave? I couldn't get any single hold on you. Where were you?"

"Jayda. Please calm down. I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? I didn't ask you to apologize to me. I asked where the hell you were! And don't tell me to calm down cause I won't. I want answers."

"I had to go. It was something important."

"More important than Joedi? More important than me?"

"You know I love you and I love Joedi too. . ."

"So where were you, then? Tell me."

There was moment of silence and Jayda hoped that she was going to talk. What was it that she couldn't just tell her? Where did she go? That'd all she wanted to know but she didn't get that.

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