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He took off his jacket when he stepped into the room full of six injured, bleeding, moaning men, hanging upside down.
Pablo took his jacket as he walked towards them.

Kaden smirked and let out a pleased breathe.
"So you all are the very unlucky men to fall into Kaden Arturo Crown's wrath. It's a honour really. Very very few people have seen what I can do and you would be among them today but you, sadly, won't be able to tell the story. Well, that's only if I decide to let one of you live."

He walked over to the large mahogany table in the room and casually picked up the hot stick.

"And the only way that could happen is if you tell me what I need to hear.
He went to the first captive who was on the brink of unconsciousness.
He smirked and used the hot stick on his chest, causing him to jolt and growl in pain.
The hot stick wasn't like the tazer.
The tazer would immediately knock you out from the electric current but the hot stick was meant to torture you, to shock you but never let you pass out. And that was why he chose it.

"Buenas dias. Or how do you say that in Russian?" He chuckled and hit him with the hot stick again.


"I understand why you Herdney cartel men would raid my warehouse but Russians? I don't understand the connection at all and I want my answers right now. I want to know how you're connected to the Morettis, who your boss is and what he wants with me. Right now. So start speaking. I'm not really happy with resorting to violence, so let's talk, yeah?"

The six men were quiet.

"No?" He smirked. "Alright."

And just like that, the man let out a yell of pain as the got stick came at him again in the sensitive spot of his side.
Kaden ordered hot water to be poured on him through the hose connected to the water heater tap.
Steam was radiating off him from the hot water in the next minute and when the hot stick came in contact with his body, he let out a gutteral yell, for Kaden to stop.

Kaden tsked and tutted.
"I'll be happy too. So tell me what I need to hear."

"No...no...I can't." His Russian accent was unwavering with pain laced in.

"Oh you will."
He took a blowtorch from the table next, causing the man's eyes and that of the other five to widen in fear.
He fired it up and used the flame mercilessly on his chest, burning him.


Pablo winced and looked away. He knew this was only the beginning. Why wouldn't they just talk? It'd make things more simple for everyone.

Kaden stopped and used the hot stick on him before continued with the blowtorch and then the hot stick, the blowtorch again, in the space of three seconds, putting the man in agonizing pain.

"Kill me! Kill me!" He yelled out.

"What am I? A monster? I won't kill you just like that. You need more time to reconsider," he gave the hot stick to the guard behind the captive.

He felt powerful, in control. . .feared.
Like he was meant to be.

He used the blowtorch on his fingers while the guard behind him used the hot stick on his spine.

His fingers were gone when Kaden stopped.

"I admire your loyalty," he nodded. "Very impressive. Tell the devil I said hi later."

He took a carving knife next, scrutinizing it's sharpness, wanting to be sure of his artist expertise before walking to the man.
They all watched as Kaden begun drawing on the captive's chest with the knife.
The man's yells filled the room again, putting a smile on Kaden's face. Blood oozed out of every line and curve he drew.

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