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And, so, Angelo confessed everything. After Leonardo got apprehended along with others, he denied the Mafia, while the others died loyal to the Mafia. Then, Leonardo was still Fernandez's PA and claimed that Fernandez treated him as a slave and no one in the Mafia appreciated him and they never respected him; he was just seen as Fernandez's puppet.
That was a wrong statement cause Fernandez treated Leonardo like a son and brother and actually treated others in partiality compared to Leonardo.
Angelo confessed how they had made a plan to kill Fernandez but it all came to waste as Kaden was made don and so, after that they made another plan to kill Kaden, and with their mentality being that Kaden was weak and soft, they had imagined it easy to take him down and the whole of the Mafia, because, if the don was weak, the Mafia too becomes weak. But they wrong.
And so, Leonardo and the others, broke into the Weapon Room and messed with the weapons and took note of the places of weak security which will give the enemy, room to come in. But at the end of it all, all of their work was futile.

"I'm so sorry, boss. I made mistake. . .I was foolish to think that we could get away with it. Please, forgive us. Please."

Kaden, who was resting on the weapon table - as he was formally pacing while Angelo narrated his story - dropped the knuckles and picked up three nails.
He looked at Angelo who was panting even when he's done nothing to him. . .yet. He shaked his head in pity and let out an angry smile and then walked over to Angelo, taking his time, making everyone wonder what he was up to.

"You thought the Mafia was weak," he chuckled. "You thought I was weak," she scoffed and his smiling face, became stoic again, reflecting anger.
Yes, he was angry. Angry that he was being called weak. He hated it, being underestimated and looked down on. But he was going to show everyone that he is the definite opposite of weak. He was gonna show that he could be ruthless, dangerous, cold . . . deadly.

"No. . . I," Angelo started but was cut short as Kaden pulled out a pocket knife from his jacket and instantly stabbed his eye, causing him to yell in pain.

That put everyone in shock as it was unexpected.

Pablo was surprised at Kaden's brutality. He expected to give a few blows and then out him in jail for his honesty but Kaden went further to pull out the knife and dip a nail in his eye and dipped another in his second eye and then drove the last in his throat
Blood streamed out of his eyes, mouth and throat.
He snapped his finger; ordering the man behind him to electrify him and he did so.
Kaden watched in anger as Angelo was being electrified, bleeding. He snapped his finger and the electrifying stopped and immediately, he shot him three times in the head, with one go.
Rage still sipped in.
He wasn't satisfied with the blood he'd shed. He wanted to kill and destroy . . .like the devil. The devil in human flesh.

He walked to the weapon table and took a heavy metal tent peg and a hammer.
"You made a fucking mistake by betraying me, Leonardo and it's time for you to leave. Time to go back to the devil," he smirked, walking to an immobile, dieing Leonardo.
Kaden held Leonardo's jaw, straightening his head.
Leonardo smiled weakly.
"Before I go, I want to let you know that you. . .have won my respect," he laughs. "You're the devil."

"Shut up," Kaden deadpanned and released his jaw.
He took the tent peg to his head. Leonardo closed his eyes and so did Pablo, looking down and then, the awaited heavy thud happened as Kaden hit the peg on Leonardo's head, continuously, angrily as well. He hit hard, venting his anger, frustration and rage.
And when the nail was driven deep, Leonardo was a fountain of blood and Kaden's face had splatters of blood on it.
He dropped the hammer and backed away from the body and that was when his rage calmed down and he realized what he just did.

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