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ΩAnd I've been trying but I can't just fight it.
When I hear it I just can't just smiling
I remember,
When you're gone baby it's just a song on the radio. Ω


It was 8pm and there she was in car, smiling to herself like an idiot, humming to Our Song by Anne Marie and Niall Horan playing in her car.
Today was officially the bestest day of her existence.
She didn't know when last she'd smiled and laughed till her cheeks and stomach hurt and it all lasted for hours.

Kaden made her happy in a way she'd been ever and it scared the hell out of her how easy and fast he was entering her heart and making her fall for him.
She was scared but was excited enough to let it continue.
She had to make her happy and Kaden did that so well. She still couldn't believe he actually called off his meeting because of her. Lil' ol' Jayda.
It meant he was falling too. He made it pretty clear the previous night though.

She checked her phone and looked at the last text he sent her after their phone call.

You're the most beautiful, Princesa. Don't forget that. Never forget that. And as much as you're beautiful, you're a brilliant smart woman. Never doubt it. We'll talk soon.

They had a small bicker where Kaden called her the most beautiful woman in the world and then she said there were millions of pretty girls in the world and that she didn't hold a candle to them and it got annoying sometimes when people exaggerating about her beauty. She added that she would prefer if people saw her brains and not just her beauty, if people exaggerated about her brilliance and intellect and complimented on it.
He went silent after that for a half minute.
And she thought she came off rude - he was only complimenting her. It was the first time she was telling someone about that feeling. She hadn't even told Rachel.
He continued, changing the topic to Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

It was when she saw the texts that she realized he had made her talk so much about Heathcliff and how his actions were justified to an extent. She'd talked about how much love could ruin or make someone. How it could change so much.
She enjoyed it so much. No one - not even Rachel, Star and her several study partners - liked to listen to talk about literature and things she was passionate about but Kaden listened to every single thing and laughed at her literature jokes and puns that no one found funny. It got her insecure to an extent that he was just trying to not make her feel bad but still she continued and relished in it.

And after he cut the call to attend to a business conference zoom meeting, the text came almost immediately and that was the reason for her smile and giddiness till present.
He already starting to understand her.

Soon enough she got to the bakery.
Rachel told her there was an emergency and that she has to come ASAP.

She was confused, seeing a renovation van with workers around.
The RAYDA sign board lights were now flashing fairy lights in contrast to the former white stagnant lights.

She got down from her car and her confusion heightened, her mouth dropping.
The door was now glass and the building was repainted.

The bakery was a little fixer upper, most facilities were wearing out but she and Rachel were to busy with school to worry about it too much so this was truly shocking. When did she arrange this and without her knowledge.

She shook her head and on her way to enter the very unfamiliar bakery, she saw a very familiar guy.
He was buff and bald.

She was trying to recall where saw him when she walked into the glass doors.
She was impressed. Even the windows were changed.
She had a lot of questions for Rachel. Who bought all this? How much did it cost? When did it all happen? Everything was surprising?

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