Chapter 1, same old same old.

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Hello and welcome to the first chapter of this book, its going to mostly be focused around the meeting of the characters. So as always i hope you enjoy.

Mundo POV

As i had called in one of the people working under me i suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Mundo: Come on in.

As a person standing at about 6.4 walks into my office, a rough looking man with short h/c hair as he looked around the room quickly before looking at me.

Y/N: You wanted to talk to me boss.

Mundo: Mundo has told you enough times to just call me Mundo now hasn't he Y/N.

Y/N: I'm sorry Mr Mundo.

As he bowed slightly before me as i let out a laugh.

Mundo: Come on now Y/N, Mundo has one more assignment for you.

Y/N: And what may that be Mr Mundo.

Mundo: If Mundo is right you should have a degree in gardening. Is Mundo correct about this?

Y/N: A degree in flower study more specifically but i know my way around a garden yes.

Mundo: Mundo is pleased to hear this, the gardener Mundo had hired is retiring and the girls need somebody to keep up their garden.

Y/N: With all do respect Mr Mundo, Don't you think this might differ a bit to much from what i usually do?

Mundo: Mundo knew you would ask that. But Mundo has known you for a long time now. Mundo knows this is different but you should be up for the task, Mundo thinks you earned some down time as thanks for helping Mundo.

Y/N: Although i appreciate is Mr Mundo are you sure i'm the right guy for the job. You know i don't do well in social situations.

Mundo: Then Mundo suggest you start learning because i'm hoping you will accept my offer. Mundo thinks it will be good for you to get some free time again. And Mundo also knows there will most definitely be some action around the house so you shouldn't get bored.

Y/N: If you say so Mr Mundo. Then i would accept your request to help out around the garden. When should i start?

Mundo: Mundo will drive you there right now.


As me and Mundo got in the car, well car, this man basically drives a bus just to fit himself in there. Anyway as we drive there i could only think how i ended up in this situation.

Y/N: How does this even happen, a gardener for pop stars. I mean come on now, although i do like the idea of some free time in a garden.

As i was lost in thought i hadn't realised Mundo had parked in the front porch of the house i would be upkeeping. As i get out the car i walk around slightly inspecting the garden.

Y/N: Hibiscus bushes standing in line against the wall, well kept. Rose bushes standing around the driveway. Tulips growing among the grass. Ballon flowers in a pot next to the door. Oak tree around the back, as well as a weeping willow. Some lavender bushes along the sides. Bay trees lining the fence, good choice they should keep green around the year. That should be doable.

As i was walking around i was suddenly shaken from thought by somebody talking to me.

???: Uhm, hello, i'm sorry but do we know you from somewhere.

As i look around i notice it to be a female standing at about 5.3 as i basically towered over her as i remembered that i needed to answer.

Y/N: The name is Y/N, i'm supposed to be the new gardener here.

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