Chapter 3, wake up call

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Hello and welcome back again to this book, i'm hoping you are enjoying it so far. This chapter is going to be focussing on some of Y/N's skills as well as the girls still trying to break the icy layer of his. Now without further delay, i hope you enjoy.

Ahri POV

As i heard some talking around me i decide to open up my eyes as i look around noticing myself laying next to Y/N. As he seemed to be awake. As i got a slight blush on my face as he looked at me.

Y/N: Slept any beter Ahri.

He just spoke up in that same cold voice as i look up at him.

Ahri: A lot better as thanks to you.

I said smiling at him as he just kept his neutral expression. As i now look around to see the rest also laying next to Y/N as i just let out a laugh.

Ahri: Seems like the rest needed some rest as well.

I said laughing as Y/N now looked around before speaking.

Y/N: Seems that way.

As he kept it up with the cold answers i decide to get up.

Ahri: Well since your still here, want to join us for breakfast.

Y/N: Fine. But could you help me wake the rest up first.

He said asking me as i decide to tease him a little.

Ahri: Hmm, nope, i think they would like it better if you woke them up. Also the shock would be quite nice to see.

I said as i got out of bed standing up and walking towards the kitchen as i heard Y/N sighing in the background as i let out a giggle as i kept walking towards the kitchen meeting Kai'sa there as she smiled at me.

Kai'sa: Morning Ahri, slept well i hope?

Ahri: Best sleep in a while, i could ask the same for you though.

I said as she looked over to me with a blush.

Kai'sa: I-i-i don't know what you are talking about.

Ahri: Oh i'm sure you do~

I said as i notice her blush as she spoke up again.

Kai'sa: Okay fine, yes i slept well and yes i slept next to you guys.

She said as i let out a laugh as i pat her on the back.

Ahri: See that wasn't so hard now was it.

I said as i help her preparing breakfast.


As i was left alone by Ahri as well now.

Y/N: Now then, how to approach this situation best.

As i look around noticing Seraphine laying on my left arm, with Akali on my right as Evelynn was laying on top of me.

Y/N: Okay, so arms free first.

I thought as i decide to wake Akali up first, as i wrap my arm upwards a bit as i slightly tap her back whispering her name as i could see her eyes opening slowly as she was waking up. As she opened her eyes she looked at me with a newfound blush as she looks me in the eyes.

Y/N: Morning, i'm guessing you slept well.

I said in my normal tone as she spoke up.

Akali: Y-y-yes, i guess so yes, i'm sorry i don't know how i ended up here.

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