Chapter 16, Explain

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Hello and welcome back to this story, this chapter is going to be about getting Y/N to open up slightly more so i hope you enjoy.

"Regret not that what you couldn't have done, but don't regret not doing something you wish you had, instead learn from it"

Ahri POV

Evelynn: So everything is ok, your not hurt any further.

Ahri: As i have told you many times now, no i am not hurt, just still a bit shocked at what happened but that's all.

Evelynn: Thank god Y/N found you.

Ahri: Yes, but how did he even find me?

As the question suddenly ran trough my head as i see Y/N now coming around the corner wearing a grey hoodie. And i must admit i liked seeing him in something different then all black. As he walked into the living room as he sat down.

Y/N: So i'm sure you all have a lot of questions so lets just get this all over with.

Akali: I'll go first, How did you even find Ahri.

As Akali was the first to ask her question i did have to admit i was curious about it. As i just heard Y/N sigh.

Y/N: After all that happened at the house and after your concert i installed some small trackers in your jackets, they are one time use an can only be pinged once but they can't be detected from scans so their a handy little item.

Kai'sa: You where tracking us?

Y/N: Not tracking, as i said they only get one ping so its more like revealing a location for one time in case of a emergency like this.

Evelynn: Although i understand the possible need for something like this, could you not have discussed it with us first.

Y/N: Sure i could have, would you have let somebody you have known for just a couple of days place a tracker in your jacket?

Evelynn: Point taken.

As i see Evelynn slightly laugh.

Y/N: I know i should have informed you guys about this but i was afraid you would get angry about it, i didn't need you guys to worry anymore after all that had happened.

Seraphine: In the end it helped you safe Ahri and that is all that matters to me at the moment.

Seraphine spoke up taking the attention of of Y/N for a bit as he seemed relieved at her answer.

Y/N: Thank you Seraphine.

Seraphine: However~

I could hear a cocky tone coming from her as i got a smile on my own face as i see Y/N still sitting there with that unchanging face.

Seraphine: As thanks to the fact you did that without permission i think we should be allowed to ask for a favour from you.

Y/N: As long as you keep it normal then go ahead and ask.

As i see Seraphine glancing over to me as i already knew what she was going to ask as i just nod my head.

Seraphine: How about you stay here for a few days, i heard Mundo talking about dinner so you should have no more left over ingredients at home now~

As she walked over to him smiling at him as he just sighed.

Y/N: Fine, but i'm sleeping in my own room and it will only be for five nights and then i'm heading back home.

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