Chapter 34, "Should have given me my drink"

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Hello and welcome back to this story, i hope you all are a bit exited for this one and i also hope you enjoy what i decided to make from it. so without further dilly dallying along. As always, Enjoy this chapter.


Glaring over my shoulder i could see a couple of guys walk in, Body modification seems to still be popular, one had what appears to be robotic eyes, wonder how much of a improvement that is.

One of them had a metal arm, reminded me of somebody and it was ticking me of already. One more had what seemed like a metal nose. Immune against gas attacks i would assume, or it suffered tissue damage from all the shimmer this guy had been doing.

Seeing one of them walking over to the bar i see one of them walking up to the Juke box, seeing two more walking around, the guy with the arm came walking to the bar as i hear another song coming up.

Y/N: I presume the irony would be wasted on them.

Seeing the guy who changed the song bop his head to the beat as i kept my eye on the guy approaching us.

???: Oy kid, your in my spot

I heard him talk up from behind me. Deciding to ignore him i just took a sip from my drink making sure to watch he wouldn't pull anything stupid that could put Kai'sa in danger.

Kai'sa POV

Kai'sa: Your really pushing your luck here Y/N.

I thought, nervously smiling towards him as i see the guy behind him getting agitated.

???: EY, You deaf or something kid, or just retarded.

Y/N: Excuse me?

???: Your in my seat.

Y/N: Funny, last i checked i din't see a name on it.

Seeing the guys eye twitch with rage as i just look at Y/N still sipping his drink looking over at me.

???: Look lad, you seem to be new here, so i'll give you one last chance to move.

He said putting his hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Kai'sa: This won't end well.

I just sighed as i thought to myself, seeing Y/N swipe the hand of his shoulder.

Y/N: Can't you see i'm enjoying my drink here, piss off.

A agitated tone rang trough his voice as he looked back.

???: Oh excuse me mister.

He said mockingly putting his hands up as he backed off as i just looked at Y/N.

Kai'sa: Are you sure that was a good idea?

Y/N: Why wouldn't it be.

But before i could even say anything else i could see a hand on the back of Y/N's head as he was moved forwards with such force it created a gust of wind as i just look away closing my eyes.

But the sound i was expecting never came instead a blood curdling scream rang trough the air.

Opening my eyes again i now saw Y/N standing beside me, one arm covering me as i looked at the man who had approached us. His only real hand pinned to the counter with a knife.

Wilted flower (KDA x Male reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum