Chapter 30, memories'

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Hello, and after one very, very long time, welcome back to this story, i know, been a sweet while. I was kind of figuring out where to go with this story and couldn't find the inspiration for a while, but i think i got it again so i hope you can forgive me for the long wait. And with all that said, enjoy this chapter.

"Nothing is ever lost as long as we remember it"


Letting out a sigh i lay back on the bed provided within the cell, i was going to be here for the night so might as well make comfortable. Looking around it was a pretty standard cell, a bed in the corner, a little desk with a chair in the other corner and a small boxed of section in the far corner for the toilet, at least it wasn't fully in the open.

A rather large bared of window stood above the bed, providing the cell wit natural light bouncing of the walls making the colours seem more vibrant then they might actually be, the window was able to be opened. This was for sure a holding cell, no top criminal would be put in here.

Y/N: The bars are pretty far apart, it would be quite easy to get in for anybody with a small enough frame.

Sighing as i just close my eyes for a bit, i decided against causing further trouble for both my own and VI's sake.

As a breeze from the window carried on trough the room the curtains that hanged in front of the window were swept up and down in a almost rhythmic pattern that caught my interest. looking at it i also noticed the sun seemed to be going down, the natural light fading from the room as the colours became more dark and gaining a cooler tint to them. 

*Knock, knock*

My concentration being disturbed from the sudden noise, i notice it to be coming from the door, walking up to it i see the slider open as VI was standing in front of it.

VI: You promise not to book it if i open this door?

Sighing as i just rub my eyes.

Y/N: I don't need the extra trouble so sure, i'll stay put.

As i take a step back i see her opening the door, walking in with what seemed like a dinner plate. walking over to the desk, turning the chair towards the bed as i sat down. As she turned back i was curious as to what she had with her.

Turning around revealing she held two mugs as she handed me one i look into it.

Y/N: Coffee?

My staring apparently didn't go unnoticed as she spoke up.

VI: Relax, i didn't poison it.

Y/N: I would doubt you know the correct dose of poison to kill somebody.

VI: Hey! 

Y/N: That wasn't meant to be seen as a offense.

VI: Still, plenty taken.

She said pouting, crossing her arms and looking the other way as if she where to be a child refusing to eat her vegetables.

Y/N: You sure didn't change much.

A slight smile coming to my face as i think back to some of those old times. We had a bit in common, i guess that might have been why we got along pretty well back then. seeing her like this was a reminder to those times that had passed. Times that were changed into memories, different in everybody's own perspective but always the same in mine. Gone.

Seeing her pick up her own cup taking a sip i was snapped from my chain of thought taking a sip from my own coffee now as well. As we both sat there in silence, not a word said but still plenty of thoughts shared trough the silence, as she turned around placing her cup on the desk speaking up.

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