Chapter 7, Show

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Hello and welcome to yet another chapter of this story, i'm just going to skip around explaining what this one is about as it might be more fun to just read. So with that said, enjoy

"Darkness is needed if one wishes to see the stars shine brightest"


As i was driving home i finally arrive as i park my car in the garage walking back inside as i hang my coat before sitting down in my living room chair.

Y/N: Why did he have to tell them.

I thought as i just decided to ask.

Y/N: Dear Mundo, Regarding this morning, i would like to question as to why you had to inform the girls about my location. I'm hoping you won't reveal my home adres to them. With regards, Y/N

As i sent the message sitting back in my chair as i heard a notification sound seeing Mundo had answered.

Mundo: Mundo would like to apologize about what happened this morning. Mundo had no idea they would do what they did. Mundo has not told them you home address, but Mundo would like you to still reconsider the offer to work as a bodyguard for tonight's show. Mundo knows you may not want to but he would appreciate it if you would rethink the offer. Mundo fears the worst might happen otherwise.

As i read the message letting out a sigh as i lean back again rubbing my eyes.

Y/N: Should i do this, you know what. One more job.

Y/N: I will be there but i will not make my presence known if it is not necessary.

Mundo: Mundo would like to thank you for reconsidering, you shall not regret it.

 As he send me that message i just replied with I hope not before putting down my phone beside me as i stood up.

Y/N: I need a shower.

I thought to myself as i walk over to my bathroom, tossing my clothes in the laundry as i look over myself once again.

Y/N: Seems like you still got it.

As i thought back to the fight at the KDA house as i remember the old times of my jobs.

Y/N: So much bloodshed and for what. A single order because somebody wanted somebody else dead.

I thought as i lean in over the sink.

Y/N: No time to think about that, what is done is done. No changing the past.

As i step underneath the shower, feeling the water hitting my skin as i rub my hands trough my hair. Washing out the dirt that i had felt in it. After that washing the rest of my body as i run my hands over the scars running over my back and shoulder. Rethinking about how i got them and what i learned from them.

Y/N: One from being to slow, one for getting cocky, not watching my own back, fighting at a non perfect time.

As i was thinking back, the memories coming back to me as i kept rubbing my hands over them as i wash them clean. After that getting out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my waist as i dry myself of, after that walking of to my room to fetch some new clothes. Grabbing a pair of blue pants, a black polo again and a black baseball cap for tonight as i walk back into my living room as i look at the clock standing against the wall as it read 11:30, as i grab my phone again as i look up when the concert would start, noticing it to start at 18:00 as i walk over to the kitchen, grabbing the croissant and the bun i had bought from pantheon. Smearing some jam in the croissant as i put cheese on the bun before making myself another cup of coffee. As i walk over to my table putting my plate down and sitting myself down as i start eating my lunch. Forgetting about everything for a while.

Wilted flower (KDA x Male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz