Chapter 6, meeting

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Hello and welcome back again to this story, i might try experimenting with some quotes that may or may not have some meaning to the hapter instead of me greeting you guys everytime. Or i could do a mix of both, let me know what you enjoy most, but as always enjoy this chapter.

"Don't be scared of going into the dark, flowers grow out of dark moments"


As i heard my alarm going of i notice i had set it for 7 am as i groggily rub the sleep out of my eyes as i sat upright in my bed, grabbing my phone as i saw a had a message. Opening it i see it to be from Mr mundo.

Mundo: Mundo would like to invite you over for a meeting at 9 am. Mundo hopes this is possible for you.

As i look at the clock once more before responding.

Y/N: I will be there.

As i put the phone down besides me walking of to my closet, putting on another pair of black pants along with some black socks as i put on a black polo. Before walking towards my bathroom as i look at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess as i quickly brush it back into model as i look at my face. Bags under my eyes as i notice my eyes being stripped from most of their light.

Y/N: What happened to you Y/N.

I thought to myself as i splash my face with some cold water before drying it of with a towel and walking to the kitchen. Grabbing some bread as i put peanut butter on one of them as i put chocolate paste on the other. As i walk over to my coffee machine as i turn it on waiting for it to heat up as i grab a cup, walking back and placing it underneath as i hit the button as the machine came to life. As it finished i grab my cup of coffee siting down at the table turning on the TV. As i switch to the news channel i listen while eating my breakfast. As i listen i notice no news being reported about the break in at KDA.

Y/N: At least they kept that quiet.

As i finish my breakfast as i take the last sip of coffee before standing up and putting my plate in the dishwasher. Before looking at the clock, 7:45.

Y/N: 15 minute drive, ill just head past the bakery to get some bread first.

As i walk of to my garage, as i walk in i notice some cars standing around as i walk up to a black dodge Demon, with the package of course as i got in. Turning the key as the engine roared to life as i opened the garage, driving out and closing it as i drive out.

As i arrive at the bakery i park my car before walking inside as i was greeted by a familiar voice.

???: Morning Y/N, need some more bread.

Y/N: You guessed it pantheon.

As before me stood a man wearing a apron with blue accents along with some blue gloves, as he head a gold helmet on trough which only his eyes shone.

Pantheon: The usual?

Y/N: Yes please.

As i walk up to the counter. He got my usual, a loaf of dark bread along with a loaf of whole grain and a croisant and a bun. As he handed it to me before speaking up.

Pantheon: I heard Mundo gave you a new job, so, how is that coming along.

Y/N: News sure does spread fast around here. But in all honisty its not the type of job your thinking about. But i will most likely already quit, have a meeting with Mundo in,.... 45 minutes.

I said as i looked at my watch.

Pantheon: Shame, i think you would be better of doing anything different.

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