Chapter 9, Strike a deal

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Hello and welcome back to this story, this chapter revealing a bit more about Y/N and also adding some plot convenience because who doesn't love some of that. Now then, enjoy this chapter

"Pain is the emotion that tells you that you are still alive"


As i was currently standing in a dark room as i try to move my arms, as i feel a sharp pain resonate from them, as i look down to see myself tied down with metal chains as there was blood dripping down my arm.

Y/N: Where am i.

As i look around not noticing anything in the room with me as it was completely dark as i suddenly hear the sound of metal striking metal. As i try to turn around a sharp pain to the back of my mind stops me.

Y/N: So that's what this is.

As i felt my head calming down again as i now turn my hands around, as they where covered in blood my vision suddenly flashes as it shows me in a burning building with my hands around the neck of a man, as the next second it cut to me holding a knife and a head in my other hand. As my vision had begon flashing before me, past events or events soon to come, who knows what was flashing before my eyes. My mind wasn't thinking clearly as i try to shake myself from the thought as the images just speed up, as i couldn't stop it i began to become desperate for my mind to stop showing me this. As i was now in another scene as i had a gun pointing down to somebody wearing a mask.

???: So your here to kill me.

As i look over to the voice i felt my thoughts become unclear.

???: I trusted you, so why.

As i could feel tears beginning to form in the side of my eyes as the voice spoke up again

???: Tell me Y/N, why did i have to die.

As i felt me emotions getting the better of me as i turn the gun on myself as i pull the trigger wanting to be released from the pain. As i heard a click and a bang and then.....

Nothing, darkness. As my eyes soon enough became adjusted to the darkness as i look around to see myself laying in a bed.

Y/N: Damn nightmares.

As i step out of the bed, noticing the girls to be nowhere.

Y/N: What did you expect Y/N. You should have known they wouldn't stick around, lets just get this over with.

As i pick up my clothes from the desk as i put them on again, walking into the bathroom, looking in the mirror, noticing the bags under my eyes had slightly dissipated as i brush my hair back into model as i lift up my shirt, checking that the bandage was still clean.

As i run my hand over it i could still feel a stinging pain as i remove my hand from the wound. As i grab a towel from the closet i splash my face with some cold water to fully wake me up as i dry my face with the towel. As i walk out of the room i notice that i was indeed in the KDA house again.

Y/N: So that wasn't a dream, nor a twisted nightmare.

As i walk into the living room to see if they where there, noticing nobody there i decide to check the kitchen. Walking in but...

Nobody. As i see a note laying on the kitchen counter.

"We went out grocery shopping, will be back soon. Hope to see you then :)"

As i read the note i now had my own dilemma to focus on.

Y/N: So do i leave or stay.

As i walk back to the living room weighing out my options. 

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