Chapter 27, With regards

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Hello again, and welcome back to this story, on todays agenda, the aftermath. So i'll just let you get right to it. Enjoy

"There is always light in life, if only we are brave enough to see it, or if we are brave enough to be it"


Walking into the garage i felt a slight pain coming into my leg now.

Y/N: Get over it man, you've been trough worse.

Trying to block out the pain it worked to some extent. Walking over to my bike i put my keys in the ignition putting on my helmet as i fire up the bike as the engine came roaring to live as i drove of towards where i had a delivery to make.

Arriving there soon enough i park my bike outside before walking inside. Being greeted by somebody at the reception.

???: Good day sir, how may i help you.

Y/N: I'm looking for officer VI, care to tell me where i can find her.

???: I'll call her over for you, please take a seat in the waiting room.

Sighing as i walk over to this so called waiting room, it was completely empty, as the minutes begin to tick by i was suddenly shaken from thought by a voice.

VI: So, finally came to turn yourself in Y/N?

Y/N: In your dreams.

As she let out a little laugh as she walked up to me as i stand up standing quite a bit taller then her.

VI: Now then, i suppose this is not just a friendly visit to check up on a old friend.

Y/N: As much as i would like it to be no. I need something delivered.

VI: Well just hand them over and i'll get it to the right person.

Y/N: Personally delivered VI.

VI: Oh, who pissed you off this time?

She stood there questioning with a curious look on her face.

Y/N: That is of no concern to you, they are already dealt with.

VI: I don't suppose i'll ever find those bodies will i?

Y/N: You will not no.

VI: Good, i hate paperwork. care to tell me who you need to deliver something to?

She said, speaking up with a slight smile and a giggle as i just let out a soft inaudible sigh

Y/N: I need to talk to Jhin, apparently i wasn't clear enough.

VI: I can get you to him, but i cant promise to look the other way when you try to beat him up again. As much as i think he deserves it i cant have you beating up prisoners.

Y/N: Don't worry VI, i'm just here to deliver a message.

VI: Well if you say so, lets get going then.

As she smiled at me she waved for me to follow her as i did. We walked trough a couple of gates and halls until we arrive at what could best be described as a room for the prisoners to have visitors. As i look at VI as she spoke up.

VI: Just take a seat, i'll have him right over.

Y/N: Thank you.

Doing as i was told i take a seat at a table, placing te envelop i had with me on the table as i waited for Jhin to come in.

After a short while of waiting i heard footsteps coming from around the corner as i heard a familiar voice speaking up.

Jhin: Who would come to visit me, i sure hope you bring good news.

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