Chapter 32, problems.

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Hello and welcome back once more to this story. i'll just let you get right to it. Enjoy.

"He who is afraid of the thorns, should never crave the rose"

???: Heyya partner.

Y/N: I knew this was a mistake.

???: Come on now, it ain't that bad now is it.

Y/N: Depending on who you ask.

???: Like?

Y/N: The person who just complimented me on taking you in.

???: Relax, like they would know you where involved.

Looking into the rear view mirror i looked at Jinx in the backseat, relaxing as she laid sideways over the seats. Looking at me with a smile.

Jinx: Besides, i doubt they would think you where involved.

Y/N: I was the person of last contact i'm afraid they would suspect it rather fast.

Jinx: Well, just keep quiet then.

Y/N: VI is going to kill me if she finds out.

Jinx: I do have to thank you for that lockpick set, just one night is a lot better then staying in that hole forever.

Y/N: Jinx...... what is your plan even now.

The car remained quiet, no answer was given and i was starting to doubt if i did the correct thing. 

Jinx: I guess i truly don't know.

Y/N: How about... and hear me out on this one... we pay a visit to your sister.

Jinx: No chance in hell! 

Shouting erupted as i slightly move my head back from the sudden sounds. Resting my head on the steering wheel.

Jinx: She had her chance and she replaced me with that bloody warden.

Y/N: I don't think you are seeing that correctly.

Jinx: Oh wooh bloody wooh, the man who cant seem to keep a stable self image lecturing me on seeing things incorrectly.

Y/N: If you want i would have no problem tossing you back into that cell with that attitude.

Suddenly feeling cold steel pressed to the back of my head i look in the mirror once more, seeing Jinx aiming a gun at me.

Jinx: I ain't going back to that shit. Even if it means you need to die.

Y/N: Whats one more body to the pile right. Come on, pull that trigger, not like anybody would miss me.

Jinx: Those new girls might.

Y/N: That's too bad then, if you wish to grant me eternal rest don't hesitate now.

Seeing her hesitating i quickly move to the side grapping the gun an pulling, making her head hit the headrest as the dropped the gun grabbing onto her nose as i quickly pull my own weapon from my jacket aiming at her.

Y/N: I had enough tricks for a while. Whats the choice Jinx.

She shook her head, seemingly clearing it of the buzzing feeling probably rampaging trough after that hit. As she just looked at me with a bloody nose now, wiping away the blood as she scoffed.

Jinx: Cheap tricks.

Y/N: Your one to talk, why did you even come to me, why not just run.

Jinx: Is it not good maners to thank your accomplice.

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