Chapter 11, Cold

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Hello and welcome back again, as we arrive at chapter 11 with more then enough ahead of us. So as always i hope you enjoy this chapter.

"The walls we build for our own protection keep out both the evil and the good"


Evelynn: So, what did you think of the movie dear~

As i look over to Evelynn as the movie was now finished.

Y/N: Maybe a bit predictable, but strangely relatable.

Akali: It did have some good points though, or do you not think so?

Y/N: It was fine.

As i spoke up i now got of the couch.

Y/N: I will begin with dinner, it should be ready in about 45 minutes then.

Kai'sa: Can i help you.

Y/N: If you wish so then i won't stop you.

As i walk towards the kitchen as i was followed by Kai'sa.

Kai'sa: Is everything ok Y/N.

Y/N: Why do you ask?

Kai'sa: You look a bit sad.

Y/N: Do i really now?

Kai'sa: You don't really look like it but your body language is talking for you.

Y/N: Shit, thought i got good enough at hiding that.

Kai'sa: So, care to tell me Y/N.

Y/N: I guess i just miss my home a bit.

Kai'sa: Do you not like staying with us then.

Y/N: I just miss the peace and quiet, i have always been alone and i liked it that way. Nobody to bother me and nobody i needed to watch out for.

Kai'sa: If you don't mind me asking, why are you so afraid of letting people get to close.

???: Why did i have to die Y/N, i trusted you and yet here you are holding the gun.

Y/N: I have so my reasons, i have hurt to many people to let anybody try and get close again.

Kai'sa: But then why, why do you not let anybody try again. could you give me a more exact reason?

Y/N: Because its a danger to my work, i don't need any exploitable weaknesses in the form of people i care about.

As i pick up a knife, as i start peeling the potatoes as i see Kai'sa still leaning against the kitchen counter.

Kai'sa: But why do you not trust them to protect themselves then?

Y/N: Because no mater how strong you are, somebody will always have the jump on you sometime. I could be killed any moment and i would leave nobody grieving for me, and the other way around, i have nobody to grieve for anymore. Its protection really.

Kai'sa: To keep yourself from being hurt or because you are to scared to try again.

Y/N: If you don't mind could you stop with the questions.

As they where starting to get on my nerve, i have known them for a short while. They don't need my life story.

Kai'sa: I-i'm sorry.

Y/N: Just don't keep pushing and you will be fine.

As i saw her backing away from me.

Y/N: Come on now Y/N, this is what you wanted.

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