Chapter 26, Scream

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Hello and welcome back to this story, i'll just let you get right to it so i hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

"Anger kills things, And not the person its directed at, anger kills a part of the person holding it, for each time a person gets angry they lose a part of themselves, or worse, in doing so they lose somebody else"


As i was currently still driving towards their house again my mind was running laps screaming at me basically. Turn back, Go home, Don't do this, Is this smart, Should i do this.

Questions just kept filling my head as on the other side i was still trying to figure out how i was going to explain this to everybody, especially to Ahri, the rest might not have know what happened but it was going to be a pain to explain what happened. 

As i decide to just see things go down i make sure they weren't being followed, as i could spot nobody on their trail. It was just me that was following at the moment, corner after corner, stoplight after stoplight, until we arrived in the drive way. I decided to wait outside, i was still thinking of what to do as my mind kept asking questions i decide to just shake them from my head. Parking my car outside the gates i get out, looking around one more time i couldn't spot anybody around, walking up to the driveway i look around noticing they had already parked the car inside as i assume they went to the living room i walk up to the front door. Opening it before walking into the hallway. Hearing voices from the living room as i just kept quiet and hide away for now.

Evelynn: Hey Ahri.... Where is Y/N?

Y/N: Shit, this just got harder to explain.

Hoping she wasn't going to say anything that would make this situation worse.

Ahri: Oh he just went to pick up something from his home, he should be back any minute now.

As i heard her cheery tone speak up i could feel my heart sting a little, why was she keeping up a lie for me? She should tell them the truth right?

As i keep eavesdropping wanting to know what they would say curiosity was getting the better of me.

Evelynn: Sure, why are you wearing of of his sweaters then.

Slightly peaking around the corner i could see she was indeed wearing one of the sweaters i bought back then. And i must admit, it did look good on her. NO MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER Y/N.

Shaking the thought from my head.

Ahri: I-I was just a little cold.

Evelynn: Sure hun, just keep telling yourself that~

As i once more peak around the corner i could see her staring at Akali now sitting beside her, wait, her eyes seemed a little red, has she been crying?

Feeling like a even bigger douche bag i was now also thinking of a way to make this up to her, plans flying trough my head as one incredibly stupid one stuck with me.

"Are you really going to do this, this is like, beyond stupid you know that right"

Was all my mind was telling me yet another feeling spoke up. a almost silent whispering voice in the back of my head

"That is one way to solve it i guess, two birds one stone"

Was the last voice speaking up in my head, the final voice of reason i decided to listen to as it was basically now or never to go on with this plan as i saw her get up walking towards her room.

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