Chapter 10, Old friends

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Hello and welcome back to chapter 10, this one will yet again be a bit of character building as well as getting to know Y/N a little bit better, nothing huge but i do have some stuff planed for later chapters. Now then, i hope you enjoy this chapter.

"If you are to cry, use the tears to water the garden of your mind and watch what happens when you learn that is is ok to show your emotions sometimes"

Akali POV

As we were currently heading back home after our meeting with Mundo i was in a good mood knowing that Y/N would be staying with us for a few more days.

Akali: I mean, it may not be his own choice fully but i still enjoy his company.

As i stare at him sitting in the backseat staring out of the window. As i myself thought back to the hug he gave me and Eve earlier today as i felt my face heating up again just thinking about it.

Akali: I wonder how Eve felt about that hug.

As i look over to her sitting behind the steering wheel as we were driving home. As we arrive pulling into the garage as Y/N opened the door as Seraphine got of his lap before he stepped out. As we all walk back inside as we head to the living room. 

Akali: So, anybody got any idea on what to do?

Y/N: I still need to take a quick trip down to the store, if i cant go to my house i will still need a fresh pair of clothes, and i'm thinking i will take some bread from the baker for lunch, i know this shop in town, best bread in my opinion.

Akali: Seems like a plan, mind if i come along?

Kai'sa: Can i tag along then as well, i would like to know where this baker is.

Y/N: Sure, if the rest don't mind.

Ahri: I still have some mail to respond to regarding the last tour so you can go ahead.

Evelynn: I'm fine waiting at home.

Seraphine: I'll do some work in the garden, if you get back sooner don't be afraid to join me.

Y/N: I'll be sure to.

As he spoke up in the unchanging tone as i went to grab some car keys as i handed then over to him.

Akali: There you go, lets get going then.

As we all walk of towards the garage, as we approach the car Y/N got in the drivers seat as Kai'sa got in the passenger seat as i got in the back.

Y/N: Now then, we will head past a clothing store first and after that we will head past the baker, is that good with you guys?

Akali: Seems like a plan to me.

Kai'sa: I'm fine with anything.

As Y/N started the car as we drove of to the clothing store in town as he parked the car outside. Walking inside we were greeted by a woman behind the counter.

???: Good morning Y/N, anything you need at the moment.

Y/N: Just something regular, i will find it on my own. Thank you for the offer though Sarah.

As we walk into the store i was getting curious on how Y/N knew the woman.

Akali: So Y/N, you come here often then?

Y/N: Not really why?

Akali: How do you know that woman then.

Y/N: She's the tailor of this place, and if you need a bulletproof suit she is the one that can get it to you, custom fitted and everything. Its handy to know a tailor like that in my line of work.

Wilted flower (KDA x Male reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon