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You're bored? Honestly we haven't wandered for that long and - you wants us to play a game...? Why?

Yes, I know you are bored, but honestly I don't think guessing what you are seeing is much fun either.

Okay, so you might think it's funny, but I am an almighty titaness! I do have better things to do!

Like what, you are asking? I have to....retrieve the memories that has been stolen me from Tartarus itself!

Yes, I know you know that and are participating, but honestly I think we should focus - Okay fine!  I will distract you, with stories! 

Wait, you want to tell it? But you don't know if it has happened!

That's the fun part?! That's...that's incorrect facts! How is that funny!

Hmph, yes I know I need your help. I will shut up and listen now.


Okay, so this isn't really a story, but more like a scenario right? I mean, it's a totally hypothetically situation (Which is stupid! - Shut up Mnemosyne, it's my spotlight now!)

So imagine if our two favourite sons of Hephasteus met, Leo and Beckendorf! (My favourite is Harley! - I repeat: My spotlight!) Okay so besides the fact that Festus would be overjoyed because his two owners are back and together, I just feel like this brotp would be awesome. Like it has been settled that Beckendorf is really good with weapons where Leo's talent is more with machines, and just imagine those two working at a project together. You thought Argo II was impressive and dangerous? Pfft, Leo and Beckondorf can with ease totally outdo that!

And one of the also really awesome thing about this brotp is that their girlfriends just instantly clicks. So where Beckondorf basically adopt Leo (I mean c'mon, he is a big teddybear and he would totally become some kind of mentor for our poor insecure Leo and push him to get better self worth) Silena adopts Calypso and makes it her mission to introduce her to all the things she missed (Like Donald Trump becoming president? Let her live without that knowledge! - I want to argue, but I actually can't...) 

Also you remember how Leo used to talk to his mom in morse-code, right? (Of course I do, I am the Titanness of memories! - It was a hypothetical question!) Well Beckendorf understands it too, but Leo doesn't know so sometimes when he is down Beckendorf taps I love you (bromantic, not romantic folks!) in morsecode and for some reason it actually do wonders on Leo's mode.

I mean, just imagine all the possibilities we have missed! (Aw, what a sweet scenario! But, who knows they might as well have turned out to be sworn enemies? - You know what? I'm done with this! Do it better yourself, complainy!)


Well looks like as we continue our hike that I must figure out a fantastic scenario to overwhelm you all!

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