Can we please...

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Can we please take a moment to talk about how badass Artemis is? Not because she's maiden, got wolves, stands up for herself and so on...(okay, that's a part of it, but still)
No, it's because she's the only one to straight out say what she means about the gods. Like in The Lost Hero, Thalia tells Jason, that Artemis finds Zeus' act idiotic. So she does what she want. And please notice, that Zeus didn't stop her.
Artemis is basically the only god seeing all the Olympians flaws.

Now, let's talk about Leon (as a Brotp).
Why do I never hear about this! Through whole The Lost Hero they are litterally constantly comforting each other through the whole book! Because for Jason Piper is unsure ground. So basically the only person he really can relax with is Leo. I mean sure Piper and Leo got a fantastic bromance, but I feel like people are overlooking Leon. Why don't I see this more often! Why?!

(Yes, this is what happens when I read TLH in another languages)

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