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I have defiantly sunken into the fandoms. Seriously. I keep saying schist. Starts talking like The Doctor or Ron when I hear a british accent. (Mine accent is far from british, you may note). 

And the blueberry at the top happened today.

So it's my birthday today. Which meant I choose what cake we should buy at the supermarket. And since there were no blue cake (Yes, I looked for it.) I found this very delicious blueberry cake. It was purple, but close on blue, so I took it. 

On the other side there was this totally delicious strawberry cake. My sister said she didn't liked blueberry. I still took it because of the color.....she liked it so I guess it's okay. But the fandoms have really sunken into me. Seriously. I am (Read: My mom) are making a blue cake to tomorrow to the class.

And if you look at last year, then I would never have done it.

So, wow. I have sunk deep on one year.

And I am probably going to sink deeper this year, but I am not


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