I'm a Frank Zhang just without all the cool parts.

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So I were playing a game with my grandma and my little sister. It was about that you have this triangle who was unstable. Then you have this blocks, where some was weighing more than others, from 1-5 where 5 was the heavyset.

Then there was numbers on this triangle, the most unstable the position gave 5 points. And the most stable positions got 1. So if the triangle touch the table you can't set the block on. Then at last you multiply you bricks number with the number it stood on.I think you get the idea.

So I made this huge mistake, where I made the triangle fall, so we couldn't see where the blocks had stood before. And I got the idea what would happen if the Seven played this game:

Annabeth would rule the game, because she was really static, and good at math and such stuff.

Percy would be the dumb risk-taker, who most of the time was lucky and got really many points.

Leo would be pretty good at the game, but sometimes he couldn't stand the temptation and take some dumb risks.

Jason would be really good, but wouldn't take enough risks.

Hazel would be really careful, and sometimes take some risks and would be just behind Annabeth.

And then there's Frank. He's really good, but he can't play. Because each time he do it he will end up shaking the blade so hard that all the bricks fall of. So instead he's just whispering tips in Hazel's ear. They actually ended up beating Annabeth sometimes.

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