The dog.

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It was afternoon, and Hazel, Frank and their child Luna was having dinner. Their child Luna was 4 years old, and was a lovely child. Sweet and caring as her mother and strong and happy as her dad.

Then, in the middle of the parents conservation, Luna asked a life changing question. "Mom, can we buy a dog?"

Hazel looked surprised at her. "Why do you want a dog, Luna?"

"And are you sure on you're ready to take the responsibilities of having a dog?" Frank putted in.

"I want a dog because they are fluffy, cute, and lovely!" Luna turned curiously around to look at her dad. "But dad, what do you mean with responsibilities?"

"You know, me and mom need to walk with the dog, and take care of it, which means we wouldn't have just as much time for you." Frank gently explained.

"Oh. But then can't you just buy a dog for a day?"

Hazel gave Frank an eloquent look. "Yeah. Maybe we can. What kind of dog should it be then, Honey?"

"A pink poodle!" Luna said quickly.

Frank looked horrified at Hazel, who just gave him a glare back. There was no discussion. Frank was going to be a pink poodle tomorrow.

"That's great Luna. Now let's eat our food, so you can go to bed.

Next morning when Luna woke up, she found a pink poodle in the living room together with her mom. Luna got so happy for the poodle, that she didn't even noticed her dad was gone until there was dinner. When she asked where he was, Hazel only gave the answer' that he was borrowed out.'

When Luna went to bed, she asked her mom about if they could borrow the poodle again tomorrow.

Hazel said that they would get dad instead, who was ten times better than any dog. At that Luna agreed.

But no matter what, it would still happen that somedays, she would find a pink poodle and no dad. It was only when she got older, Luna realized that the poodle was her dad.

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