Chapter 2

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Somewhere at a base

Night has come. Trucks and soldiers could be seen waking by getting ready. Men in back of a truck could be heard, getting pumped up for a mission. A man walking towards the truck could he seen.

"Wheels-up in five." Shepherd voice could be heard over the coms.

"Roger." A gruff, British voice could be heard from the man.

"Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergent are leading on this one. However, this is last minute. Someone else will arrive. You both work together." Shepherd commanded.

The truck stops, opening the back. Soldiers step out, some rushing to the Heili. The man stunned, "The Sergant? And someone else?"

"Soap MacTavish."

A man walks up to the lieutenant, " Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, Lt?"

A black jeep slides to a stop by a open hanger near by, Storm gets out. Immediately grabbing gear in the back, glancing over at the Heil, seeing soldiers get in. Storm strides their way over the two talking soldiers, mask and hood up. Many pause at the sight of a small shadow figure, confidently stride over to the Lt and Sarg. Both glance over at approaching hooded figure.

Storm stops at two tall broading men, eyeing them both up and down. The Sarg, has a small beard going, slightly taller, and broad. Grey eyes meet dark eyes of a person in a skull mask. Tall, broad, and intimating. Storm glance at both men, "You, must be the Sergent." Heading pointing towards Soap. "And, you must be Lieutenant."

"Yes, who might you be?" The lieutenant stands tall, eyes hardened. He spoke in a companding deep voice that could make you tell your secrets. To which Storm found that... slightly heated.

"I'm First Lieutenant, Storm." Storm nod towards the men. (FYI, Storm is such higher position, they don't know that storm is a military assassin.)

The lieutenant size Storm up and down, noticing a slight cut on the right upper arm. His eyes glanced down to see slightly red finger tips. Soap glancing at the grey eyes, seemingly to slightly be trap in them. "Lieutenant, you and storm must work together for now on. That's an order."
Sherperd voice heard over all three coms.

Storm eyes hardened, Soap glance at both Lts. "Copy."

"Copy." The British grunts.

"Good. I like the sound of that." Shepherd spoke.

Soap punches Lt shoulder, "Save ya a seat, sir's." Soap gives a friendly smile to Strom, to which gets a stiff nod back.

Soap walks away, Storm still sense the intense gaze on the side of head, "Well, Lieutenant, shall we go?"

"It's Lieutenant Ghost to you." He spoke rudely.

Storm chuckles, "Okay, Lt. Ghost." Storm eyed him for a moment before walking to the heili.

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Ghost watch Storm walk away not far behind Soap, "Fucking Hell.."

"Ghost- you copy?" Shepherd spoke.

"Yes, sir."

"Any issues?"

Ghost glancing at Storm, slightly upset about last minute plans. "Negative, sir." He glance away from the hooded figure. "Out here."

Ghost getting on the plane to see Storm sitting with Alpha team. Soap infront of the Storm with Bravo team. He takes the seat beside Soap and stares at Storm. Storm sees both them men staring, so what they do, gave them a cold empty look. Soap eyes wide, while Ghost remain unfazed. The heili went up in the air, the red light made Ghost look more intimidating. While, Storm screams dangerous and abort at all cost. The heili made it to its destination.

"Ghost, Storm." Shepherd speaks.

"Yes, sir." They both say, and glancing at each other.

"I want Lieutenant Storm to take over Alpha Team, you Ghost take over Bravo team, Clear?" Shepherd commanded.

"Copy, sir." Ghost speaks first, while narrow his eyes at Storm.

"Crystal, sir." Storm replied, while continue the stare down.

Ghost gets up, "Bravo team offloads here. Alpha Team stays on board to land downrange. Both teams meet in the middle. Remember, we want Hassan alive, but this is capture or kill." Ghost Turns around to see everyone, while Bravo teams gets up. Soap gets up last. Soap fist bump a solider, proceed to head to Ghost. Storm stays behind with Alpha team.

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"Keep up, Soap." Ghost spoke to Soap. Both men glance at Storm, before heading out, while the hooded figure gives a nod back.

The helicopter continues to the other destination, Storm eyes outside to see any danger. Bravo team is on the move.

"Razor-1, all Bravo deployed. Moving to secondary HLZ." Poliet said.

The helicopter flying through the air, Storm glance closely at the building, seeing a bright flash, heading towards the chopper. "We going to get hit, brace yourselves!!!!"

Immediately Storm wrapped a seatbealt around her, in a flash, when the flares went out. The flares cause the miss of the missile. Storm glancing back out, to see a second on heading straight toward them. "Second incoming!!!!"

"We've been hit! We going down!!!" The poliet screamed.

The missle cause the place to spin around in circles until the chopper explode on the ground. Bravo team held up watching the scene unfold.

"Alpha-Storm!? What your status!? Do you copy?" Ghost coms, deep down he's worry about the Marines and tiny bit of that worry is for Storm. Radio static could be heard, but nothing came through.

Soap glancing at the crash site with slight teary eyes, Ghost slightly feeling regret and his fault it happen. "Storm-Alpha!? Do you copy? Do you hear?"

Nothing could be heard but static.

I hope you enjoy this small chapter :) I think I capture both characters in this chapter.

So I tried to put gifs in text but it wouldn't publish so we going have to deal with photos hopefully I can figure out how to do it.

I don't own COD characters. ONLY MY OC CHARACTERS.

Thank you

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