Chapter 7

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Storm walks out of the cafeteria, glancing down at the paper of all the notes. Storm understands why Hassan wants to use those missiles, but he where would he send those missile too? Somewhere in the US, would be the most obverse answer. Though, the other one could be locate somewhere in Mexico. So many possibilities, that makes this mission so confusing, yet can be black and white. For the first time in awhile, Storm is lost. Trying to piece by piece of this mission. However, another thing on Storm mind was these teammates or comrades. Storm began to realize that in the meeting, they was opening up. Especially proving their worth in that meeting cause Ghost and Soap to really start learning who Storm. Storm has brains, skills, and observant.

What really shock, Storm was the fact that Captain Price included them in team. Meaning Storm made a huge impression from the Captain, but cannot get Ghost to trust them. Storm understands completely, they are still a complete stranger. Maybe during the mission can open both Ghost and Storm, maybe even help each other to grow into being more human. Then there's Soap. Storm already has his trust and respect, maybe Storm should start opening up towards the man. Maybe Soaps light could help bring back the old Storm, long and forgotten. Lost in their thoughts, Storm ran into a wall, more like a person. Storms eyes glance into honey eyes. 

"Oh, sorry Soap, I didn't see ya there." Storm adjusted their self.  

"No need I wasn't paying into any attention anyway." Soap scratches the back of his head. 

"Well, I'm heading towards the barracks to get my things-then to helicopter." Storm nods towards the barracks. 

"Can I tag along, I still need to get my things." Soaps asks. 

Storm eyes soften a little, "Sure why not." 

Storm and Soap walks side by side towards their destitution. "So, what got you head in the clouds?" 

Storm not excepting that question, "Well...I'm still trying to wrap my head around this mission." Storm not wanting to admit their other thoughts on the team of 141. 

"Ah, well, maybe you should give those smart ideas out in the open so we can help. My mother once said, 'When you need help, look for help. And help will find ya.'" Soap uses his hands to speak. (I made that up) 

"Mhm, your mother sounds like a wise women." Storm comments, glancing into Soaps honey eyes. 

"Oh, she is. Just if you ever meet her beware of her bluntness." Soap advise, with a long distance look in his eyes. 

Storm slightly chuckles, "Well, if I ever meet your mother, I feel like we could get along...Or maybe not?" 

They making to the door, Storm opening and holding it for Soap, "Ladies first." 

"Oh, please, you know it." Soaps jokes back before dramatically walks through the door. 

Storm trying their best to hold in laughter, while heading inside, to see Ghost look at the both of them with a question look. "What did I just witness?" 

"Soap expressing his girlishness." Storm snickers at Soap. 

"Oh, it better to than acting all manly with the cold dead eyes." Soap snide back.

Storm raises their eyebrow, "Okay, that's a good one, but at least: I don't look like a lost puppy when something really confusing happens and be the last one who understands." 

Storms walks over towards to grab their bag, while Soap places a hand over his heart," Storm that hurt." 

"Well, Soap in a roasting battles expect to get roast back that causes feelings to hurt." Storm shrugs, while playfully glancing at Soap. 

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