Chapter 5

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Lunch time came, the sun out and bright. Still, a hood-mask figure still asleep on their cot. Ghost and Soap decided to let Storm rest. After the encounter last night, a slight new sense of hope begin to spark.

Soap heading out of the cafeteria area, seeing Ghost exiting the training area. They both heading towards the barracks, meeting infront of the door.

"Did you get something to eat, Lt?" Soap asks, folding his arms.

"Yes, I did. I'm guessing Storm is still asleep." Ghost spoke, while starting down his comrade.

"I'm sure they are, they been on constant move for 100 hours.....You know, I've been wondering-" Soap speaks. ( I meant to put 100 instead 72 but autocorrrect has other plans. 100 hours=4 1/2 days.)

"Why they are the way are?" Ghost finishes Soaps sentence.

"Yes...You know my mind to well." Soap snickers.

"Well, you not that hard to read." Ghost remarks, sarcastically.

"Oh, will you look at that. The LT knows how to joke." Soaps raises a brow.

"Keep that attitude, you won't ever see again." Ghost spoke, with some rudeness. Though he was enjoying this. Soap shakes his head, proceed to go through the door. Ghost follows.

Inside Storm sleeping on their back, their breathing at a steady pace. Soap and Ghost glance at Storm, both having soft eyes. Ghost quickly hides it then Soap. Storm in such a deep sleep, didn't notice the men in the room. Soap going to his bag to grab something out. Ghost heading towards his cot to lay down and rest for awhile- not knowing when a mission will start again. Soap grabs his journal, sits on his cot. He starts to write and doodle in it. After a few minutes of silence, Storms hand twitches. Their mind going wild, bad memories invade their dream. No one notices the peaceful sleeping figure, starting to fall under a night terror. However, little did Storm know that Ghost didn't sleep at all, only to hear a few whimpers come from Storm. He deeply wanted to comfort, however he didn't know where to start.

Out of the corner of his eye, he notice Storm hands twisted, moving their head sharply towards him. He saw their forehead crease, rapid movement behind close eyelids. Their breathing becoming unsteady, he knew that Storm is having a night terror. Soap noticing after hearing a small whimper come from the sleeping figure. Soap glances at Ghost, to see him staring at Storm. He makes eye contact with Soap. Nodding, he gets up and makes his way towards Storm. Soap following.

"How do we wake them up?" Soap whispers.

"I'm not sure. There's no telling what will happen if we wake them up, while they are having a night terror." Ghost whispers back, examining the situation.

"Let me try to wake them." Soap speaks, while slightly shaking Storm.

"Wait!" Ghost spoke too late, as he watch the scene unfold.

Within a blink an eye, Storm has a knife at Soap throat. Storm eyes held terror and uneasy. Soap shock and fear, while having his hands in the air. Ghost immediately grabbing Storm shoulder, "Storm this is Ghost, calm down. That's Soap, he friendly."

Storm began to come back, realation on seeing Soap honey eyes. Storm blink a few times before taking the knife from Soap throat. Hesitant, "I'm sorry, I thought...."

"It's okay, I shouldn't have wake you to way I did." Soap soften, relief, scatching back of his neck.

Storm shaking their head, "What happened?"

"You were having a night-" Soap began.

"But, don't worry we won't tell anyone." Ghost confirms.

Storm sharply stares at him, still have a hand on the shoulder, ".....Thank you...."

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