Chapter 19

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Storm drove their motorcycle through the desert, sun rising on the horizon. Navagting their way to someone base. The wind causing their clothes to toss, a black hood down around their neck. Black covered helmet keeping the wind of their face and hidden. Storm seeing a building with a stone wall surrounding a stone structure.

Blinding lights came one, Storm sides the motorcycle, sliding the stop. The helmet facing up where the two double doors, two figure approaches, mutiple personnel on stone wall metal walk way. They all had their gun raised ready to fire.

"Who are you?" A women voice ask, gripping the railing, looking down the figure.

Storm gets off the bike, with arms in the air, staring up at the woman and man, "I've came to help."

Price glances at the woman, then back at Storm, "Show who you are."

Storm raises their hands to the helmet taking it off showing mask covered head, placing helmet on their hip, eyes glance up at them, "It's good to finally met you Captain Price and Farah."

Price eyes widen, the shows mix emotions of shock, approval, disbelief, anger, and slightly disappointed. Farah eyes widen, glancing at Price with confusion, "Who is the person?"

Price still eyes the figure, "Storm, what are you doing here?"

Storm tilts their head, "Came here to help rescue Laswell, sir. I also come bearing intel on her whereabouts."

Price and Farah share a glance, Price giving a nod, Farah glance back, "Let them in!"

The doors open, Storm perch on the bike, riding it into the huge base. Storm parks near the main building front. Getting off, Storm places the helmet on the motorcycle, turning towards the two approaching people. Storm takes in Price: height, muscles mass, sharp jaw line, and ocean blue eyes. Storm glances at Farah takes in: height, muscles, round face, and brown eyes.

Farah crosses her arms, "So, your Storm. How you know each other?"

"Storm is working with my team at the moment in Mexico." Price comment tilting his head at Storm.

Storm nods, still eyeing Price, before glancing at Farah, "Yes, I do intend to go back as soon we rescue, Laswell. Which, " Storm glances at their watch, "at 0800, the convoy will arrive here, in Uzbekistan."

Farah appalled, glancing at Price, which is stroking his beard, "How you require this information?"

Storm takes off their back pack, showing their sword placed on back, unzip taking out their laptop. Storm opens, clicks a view button, turn it around, "Here you go."

Price and Farah narrow their eyes, glancing at the screen, "Is this live satellite footage tracking the Convoy?"

Storm glances at Price, "Yes, sir. I know that I abandoned Soap and Ghost, I'll accept the consequences of my action. I still have strong intent to go back. I'm an old friend of Laswell, I would like to help."

Farah eyes, before looking over at Price, shurgs, "We need all the help we can help."

Price glance back at Storm, in thought, "Well, since you're here, let's do it."


Two figures, on bikes, sat on top hill glancing at the mutiple vechile convoy moving on a dirt path. The two glance at each other, before Farah coms.

"Captian, it's time." Farah coms, glancing at the hooded, mask black figure.

They both start their bikes, skidding he bike to a sharp turn before going down the dirt hill. They both stop to see a helicopter land, door opening to see Price and Gaz. Storm glance a the other man, not familiar with, giving him a nod. Gaz gave a hesitent nod back. Price jumps off heading towards the bike, the heili lifts off.

The Assassin: Storm (Cod Fanfic × Oc)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang