Chapter 10

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The heil land, Alejandro and Rodolfo takes the hooded Hassan out the chopper. Ghost and Soap follows, Storm proceeds after them, glancing to see a firgure coming their way. Storm eyes narrows upon seeing a blonde hair, green eye man.

Graves stops a little ways from them,
"Hello, I'm Commander Graves. I've just received orders to integrate Hassan, now, we can't hold him for long."

"Si. Rodolfo go get some vechiles ready, depture will be in 5 minutes." Alejandro commands. Everyone nod, proceed to follow Rodolfo towards a hanger, as he coms for a set of couple vehicles.

Ghost and Storm stays beside each other, while Soap stays with Alejandro and Rodolfo. Graves has Hassan. Once at the hanger, the doors open to reveal sandy cover vehicles approach. Shadows are in the front and back ones leaving the middle to carry Hassan. Alejandro and Rodolfo gets in the front. While Graves, Hassan, Soap, Storm and Ghost takes the back hatch. Graves, Hassan, and Soap sits on one side, while Ghost and Storm sits across.

"Set to go?" Alejandro coms. "Okay let's roll."

The set of vehicles role out of the compound to an unknown location. The sun was setting, almost nearing night. Storm and Graves make eye contact, while Ghost and Soap can feel the tension between the two. Soap glance at Storm, Ghost eyeing both with wry eyes.

"They said you was KIA." Graves spoke. (They can speaks cause Hassan ears are covered).

Ghost and Soap tense, Soap glances down. Alejandro glances out the mirror. Storm gives a shurg, "Aye, they didn't know if I died or not. So they made the call base on their judgment."

"I suppose so. How did you survive?" Graves asks, his voice having a hint of vemon in it. No notices or did they?

"You can't underestimate a storm, can you?" Storm slides back with a warning tone underneath the calm posture.

"I suppose you can't." Graves narrows his eyes, understanding that Storm doesn't trust him directly.

Soap coughs, "Do you guys know each other?"

Graves eyes Soap, "No, just asking Storm questions. Still baffled that they survived."

Storm eyes never leaving Graves, watching every bit of body language. Ghost still glances at both Graves and Storm. Alejandro creases a brow, sharing a glance with Rodolfo, in return gets a shrug. "We are almost there, Amgios."

"Good. Hopefully we get this fucker to talk, yeah." Graves comments. Everyone nods, except for Storm.

"Hell yeah." Soap injects.

The group of vehicles arrived in an empty field with catus everywhere. They park the vehicles, Graves gets Hassan, Soap follows.

"I bet we won't get him to talk." Storm whispers to Ghost, before getting out.

Ghost pauses, "Probably not."

The vehicles park headlight glaring at one single spot. Alejandro and Soap brings Hassan to spot, "On your knees."

Graves working on the laptop, "Ya'll got a clear picture."

"Crystal." General Shepherd could be seen leaning over his desk.

Laswell takes a cigarette out of her mouth, "All set."

Alejandro takes head gear and hood off to reveal to his bald head. Graves strides over, "Alright, we are live, folks."

"Do you speak Arabic?" Hassan asks.

"No." Graves replies, stands by Soap.

Storm and Ghost in the shadow by the vechiles. "Farsi?" Hassan asks.

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