Chapter 6

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^A picture of Price butt, I figure that be funny

"You all going to different location in Mexico." Laswell speaks, while pulling up a location as another screen pops up.

"Why Mexico?" Soap asks.

Storm grabbing pen and paper, writing down some notes Ghost watch from corner of his eyes, curious. Storm wrote down that 3 missiles, putting one down at the location Al Marazah, Mexico. A education guess. The other two missiles have question marks. "What have you found out ma'am?"

"Well, right now we have someone trying to infiltrate Hasson crossing the border. We waiting back on the news if they capture him." Lawell responds.

"What is Hassan planning?" Soap ask outload.

"No telling, Soap. But we find him." Prices interests.

Storm mind racing over different factors, until they finally realize, "Hassan didn't get those missiles alone, he obviously had help, but the question is who. If we find the who, then we find those missiles."

Laswell and Price glance at each other, Laswell sending a smirk, while Price a brow rose. Soap places a hand on his chin, thinking. Ghost deeply admit admitly that Storm is right, though there is a flaw in their thinking.

"Who knows have help taken those missiles. They could possibly lead us nowhere. Besides it take to much time to find the who." Ghost spoke his thought.

"That's true-" Laswell speaks before getting a call. "Give me a minute." Laswell goes off camera.

A moment of silence, "Your idea should still be on the table."

Storm glance at Soap, before glancing back at their paper. At the bottom of the paper has Hassan up top of the pyramid, showing a line down towards Mexico with question mark. The other side shows a line with Russians with a question mark. "But Ghost is correct that could take time- we don't have."

"I'm hearing a but in that." Price injects, while taking out a cigar.

"I'm in-between to counties that would love to help Hassan." Storm states, while twirling their pen.

"Who would that be?" Ghost asks.

Before Storm could answer, Laswell comes back, "I'm putting General Sherperd online, we have news."

Storm becomes alert, only Ghost catches it. Another face pops up on the screen, a bald man, "General Shepherd you online."

"Live. It's good to see everyone." Shepherd speaks, eyes all of them, but stops at Storm. Storm eyes him back.

"It's good to see you, sir." Lawell speaks on everyone behalf. Everyone gives him a nod.

"Let's hear what you got." Sherperd commands, leaning back in his chair.

Storm hides the paper and pen, closely paying attention towards briefing and Sherperd. Ghost catches this, as well Price.

"Hassan was taken back into cartel protection in Las Almas." Lawell speaks, everyone looking up in shock expect Storm. That was one of their guesses. "That's not all. Mexican Speical Forces confirmed. Hassan is moving something sizable towards the US. The cargo could be containers housing missiles. We don't know how many and we don't know the targets."

Storm espousing the information, while taking notes. No one seems to be but Storm, though they wish, they did.

"To find out, we need to capture Hassan and bring him in for interrogation." Shepherd speaks, wry. "We'll send Soap, Ghost, and Storm to link up with the Mexican Speical Forces in country along with all the manpower they need."

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